
Magnificence ( Latin rector magnificus ) is the form of address or title for a rector of a university or other college with university rank, with the highest formality: “Your magnificence!”, In addresses then abbreviated: “Ew. Magnificence, the rector [etc.] ... "
The term magnification is derived from the Latin magnificentia and was transferred to German via the Latin address magnifice rector . The origin lies in the meaning of magnificence, sublimity as an honorary title for doctorates in medicine and leading clergy (around the 16th to 18th centuries). The ruling prince as patron of his state university held the title of Rector magnificentissimus . The actual direction and management of the university was the responsibility of the prorector , the prorector magnificus .
Today the salutation “magnificence” is still quite common within universities, but is rarely used in front of third parties - except for academic festive events. The deputies of a rector (prorector) are addressed as honoraria .
Other uses
In the German Reich , other dignitaries were also entitled to this title until 1918 : for example the mayors of the Free and Hanseatic cities of Bremen , Hamburg and Lübeck as well as the general superintendents .