Reeli Reinaus

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Reeli Reinaus (born November 12, 1977 in Keila ) is an Estonian writer and children's and young adult book author.


Reeli Reinaus graduated from high school in Kohila in 1996 and then studied from 1997 to 2002 at the Theological College in Tartu . At the same time, she completed a BA course (1999–2002) in Finnish-Ugrian and Estonian Philology at the University of Tartu , which she followed with an MA course (2002–2007) in Estonian and comparative folklore at the same university. All courses were completed with the corresponding degree, her master's thesis from 2007 dealt with the "self-presentation in social networks using the example of birth reports and comments in the family forum".

Reinaus works at the University of Tartu and has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 2012 .


Reinaus made her debut with poetry and a novel in 2005 and published her first children's book in 2008. In this genre, she proved extremely productive and successful. She writes crime and adventure stories ( The Old Town Detectives , Detective Triibik in the Zoo ), fantasy stories ( Maarius, Magie and Werewolf Liisi ) as well as books on current social issues ( How my father got a new wife ). Not least because of this diversity, it has received numerous Estonian awards and in 2018 also made it onto international recommendation lists (see below). The criticism emphasizes her "good dialogues and ability to build tension".


  • 2010 First place in the youth book award competition of the Center for Estonian Children's Literature and the Tänapäev publishing house
  • 2011 Second and third place in the youth book award competition of the Center for Estonian Children's Literature and the Tänapäev publishing house
  • 2014 Second place in the youth book award competition of the Center for Estonian Children's Literature and the Tänapäev publishing house
  • 2017 Literature Prize of the City of Tartu ( Kuidas mu isa endale uue naise sai )
  • 2018 IBBY Honor List
  • 2018 White Ravens of the International Youth Library



  • Une nägu ('The Face of Sleep'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2005. 254 pp.
  • Praktiline nõiakunst ('Practical Witchcraft'). Tallinn: Varrak 2013. 340 pp.

Volumes of poetry

  • Tuhkatriinu ('Cinderella'). Kohila: R. Reinaus 2005. 61 pp.
  • Vahtralehevaha ('maple leaf wax '). Tartu: R. Reinaus 2011. 78 pp.

Books for children and young readers

  • Saladuslik päevik ('The Mysterious Diary'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2008. 191 pp.
  • Mõistatus lossivaremetes ('The riddle in the castle ruins'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2009. 231 pp.
  • Täiesti tavaline perekond ('A perfectly normal family'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2010. 189 pp.
  • Must vares ('The Black Crow'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2010. 224 pp.
  • Nõidkapteni needus ('The Witch Captain 's Curse'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2010. 372 pp.
  • Tavalised hambahaldjad ('The common tooth spirits'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2011. 159 pp.
  • Vaevatud ('tormented'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2011. 307 pp.
  • Kivid, tulnukad ja sekt ('stones, aliens and a sect'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2011. 237 pp.
  • Nahka kriipivad nädalad ('weeks that left their mark'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2012. 159 pp.
  • Aguliurka lapsed ('The children from the suburban cave '). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2012. 252 pp.
  • Kliinilised valed ('Clinical Lies'). Tallinn: Varrak 2013. 211 pp.
  • Poisid Mustalt Hobuselt ('The Black Horse Boys'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2013. 357 pp.
  • Detektiiv Triibik loomaais ('Detective Triibik in the Zoo'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2013. 175 pp.
  • Deemoni märk ('The Mark of the Demon'). Tallinn: Varrak 2014. 323 pp.
  • Suhkrust ja yahust ('Of sugar and flour'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2015. 247 pp.
  • Roosad Inglid ('The Pink Angels'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2014. 210 pp.
  • Pärdik Päär ja hauaröövllid ('Päär the monkey and the grave robbers'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2015. 206 pp.
  • Kuidas mu isa endale uue naise sai ('How my father got a new wife'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2016. 194 pp.
  • Verikambi ([name]). Tallinn: Varrak 2016. 350 pp.
  • Vanalinna detective. Mustpeade maalid ('The Old Town Detectives . The Paintings of the Blackheads '). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2017. 144 pp.
  • San Agustine vereohvrid ('The Blood Sacrifice of San Agustin'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2017. 144 pp.
  • Suusi ja kadunud uni ('Suusi and the lost sleep'). Saue: Päike ja Pilv 2017. 32 pp.
    • published in Korean: 잠 못 드는 수지 를 위하여, 2018
  • Mõõkade äss ('The Star of Swords'). Tallinn: Varrak 2017. 375 pp.
  • Maarius, maagia ja libahunt Liisi ('Maarius, Magic and Werewolf Liisi'). Saue: Päike ja Pilv 2017. 220 pp.
  • Vanalinna detektiivid [2]. Verega kirjutatud kirjad ('The old town detectives [2]. Letters written in blood'). Tallinn: Tänapäev 2018. 144 pp.

Literature on the author

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (Estonian) Reeli Reinaus: Enesepresentatsioon virtuaalses kogukonnas sünnituslugude ja Perekooli foorumi commentary and Näitel (English summary)
  2. Kirjanike Liidu uusi liikmeid, in: Looming 6/2012, pp. 894–895.
  3. Jaanika Palm (ed.): Eesti laste- ja noorsookirjandus 1991-2012. s. l. Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus 2014, p. 157.