Regius Professor of Logic (Aberdeen)

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The Regius Professor of Logic is a Regius Professorship of Logic ( Philosophy ) and English Language at the University of Aberdeen founded by Queen Victoria in 1860 . The connection with the English language, which was common at the time, was terminated by the university shortly before the death of William Minto. The professors then focused on teaching moral philosophy and logic , which were required for many degree programs.

Holder of the chair

Surname name suffix from to annotation
Alexander Bain 1860 1880 Before his appointment, Bain had applied for professorships at various universities several times and had repeatedly been rejected because of his puritanical attitude. In 1860, on the recommendation of George Cornewall Lewis , he became the first Professor of Logic and English at the University of Aberdeen with Letters Patent .
William Minto MA 1880 1893 Minto had three high-class degrees from the newly merged University of Aberdeen, in Classics, Math and Logic. From 1867 to 1873 he worked as an assistant to Bain and wrote his work Manual of English Prose Literature, Biographical and Critical . He went to London, where he tried his hand at journalism and contributed to various magazines and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. At the age of only 47, Minto passed away just as the university separated logic and English and he could have concentrated on his preferred subject.
Robert Adamson MA 1893 1895 Educated in Edinburgh and Heidelberg, Adamson had taught in Edinburgh and Manchester before taking up the professorship. He left Aberdeen to teach logic and English at the University of Glasgow . He stayed there until his death in 1902.
William Leslie Davidson MA, LL.D. 1895 1926 Davidson wrote the article on his predecessor Alexander Bain for the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Alexander Stewart Fergusson Esq., MA, LL.D. 1926 Sep 30 1953
Robert Craigie Cross Esq., CBE, MA, FRSE 1953 1978 When Cross, who was trained in Glasgow, took over the professorship in 1953, philosophy was divided into two fields of study: moral philosophy and logic, and metaphysics . He modernized the training on the model of the University of Oxford and revitalized the subject. In the late 1950s, Aberdeen had much larger classes in moral philosophy and logic than in metaphysics, which made it different from comparable Scottish universities.
John Robin Cameron Esq., MA, B.Phil. 1978 Sep 30 2001
vacant Sep 30 2001 2013
Crispin James Garth Wright MA, Ph.D., B.Phil., D.Litt. 2013 unknown
Michael Beaney 2020 Beaney enjoys international recognition for his work on the history of analytical philosophy, particularly on Frege , Wittgenstein and Collingwood . In parallel to this professorship, Beaney holds a full professorship at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane:  Bain, Alexander . In: Sidney Lee (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Suppl. 2, Volume 1:  Abbey - Eyre. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1912, pp. 79 - 81 (English).
  2. ^ Gordon Graham: Scottish Philosophy in the 19th Century . In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , 2015; Retrieved March 3, 2016.
  3. Alexander Bain on; accessed on May 1, 2016.
  4. a b c d e William Minto 1845-1893 on; Retrieved December 20, 2016.
  5. Alexander Mackie:  Minto, William . In: Sidney Lee (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Volume 38:  Milman - More. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1894, pp. 48 - 49 (English).
  6. ^ Minto, William . In: Encyclopædia Britannica . 11th edition. tape  18 : Medal - Mumps . London 1911, p. 564 (English, full text [ Wikisource ]).
  7. a b Communication on the appointment of William Leslie Davidson as Regius Professor of Logic. In: London Gazette , October 4, 1895.
  8. ^ A b c d William Robertson Smith:  Adamson, Robert . In: Sidney Lee (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Suppl. 2, Volume 1:  Abbey - Eyre. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1912, p. 16 (English).
  9. a b Robert Adamson. The University of Glasgow Story; accessed on December 21, 2016.
  10. a b Communication on the appointment of Alexander Stewart Fergusson as Regius Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen. In: London Gazette , October 12, 1926.
  11. ^ Authors: William Leslie Davidson on Wikisource .
  12. Stuart Brown: Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers . 2 volumes. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005, p. 279.
  13. a b Communication on the appointment of Robert Craigie Cross as Regius Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen. In: London Gazette , July 14, 1953.
  14. ^ A b c d Robin Cameron, Graham Bird, Max Gaskin (Eds.): Robert Craigie Cross . (PDF) The Independent's obituary is reprinted on the Royal Society of Edinburgh website; accessed on December 22, 2016.
  15. a b Communication on the appointment of John Robin Cameron as Regius Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen. In: London Gazette , September 29, 1978.
  16. ^ Robin Cameron, Graham Bird, Max Gaskin: Obituary for Robert Craigie Cross (PDF) Royal Society; accessed on May 1, 2016.
  17. Profile of JR Cameron on the website of the School of Divinity, History and Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen; Retrieved March 3, 2016.
  18. a b Communication on the appointment of Crispin James Garth Wright as Regius Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen. In: London Gazette , September 27, 2013.
  19. ^ Crispin Wright on the New York University website; accessed on December 21, 2016.
  20. a b c New appointments in Philosophy. In: University of Aberdeen website. University of Aberdeen, May 14, 2020, accessed May 16, 2020 .