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The Ministry of Arts ( RTK ) was on 1. August 1933 founded and was one of seven individual compartments of the Reich Chamber of Culture under the Reich Chamber of Culture Law of 22 September 1933 and an instrument of cultural NS - DC circuit during the time of National Socialism .


The theater department of the Propaganda Ministry oversaw the Reichstheaterkammer, which from 1936 was divided into seven areas:

  • Legal and news issues
  • organization
  • Opera presentation
  • Student council stage
  • Artistry student council
  • Student council dance
  • Student council showman

The existing central associations of German theater life were incorporated into the RTK: Deutscher Bühnenverein , Cooperative of German Stage Members, Association of Artistic Stage Directors, German Choir Singers Association and Dancer Association. This was intended to bring German theater life into line.

Only members of the Reich Theater Chamber had the right to work in a theater profession in the German Reich. Proof of Aryan membership was a prerequisite for membership , so that Jewish actors could not be members of the Reichstheaterkammer from the outset. In order to be accepted at a drama school , an aptitude test had to be taken in the Reichstheaterkammer. Exclusions from the RTK amounted to a professional ban.

The presidential councils of the Reichstheaterkammer included Wolfgang Liebeneiner , Gustaf Gründgens , Lothar Müthel , Benno von Arent and Friedrich Bethge .

The official journal of the Reichstheaterkammer was published by Hans Knudsen under the title “ The Stage - Journal for the Design of German Theater ” in Wilhelm Limpert Verlag.


President of the Reich Theater Chamber

Vice-President of the Reich Theater Chamber

executive Director

Country Manager

Country manager or deputy country manager were u. a. Robert Valberg (Vienna), Ulrich Bettac (Vienna, deputy), Otto Krauss , Walter Oehmichen (Swabia) and Gustav Rudolf Sellner .


  • Daiber, Hans : Showcase of the dictatorship. Theater in Hitler's sphere of influence . Günther Neske Verlag, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-7885-0507-9
  • Drewniak, Bogusław: The theater in the Nazi state. Scenario of contemporary German history 1933-1945 . Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 1983 ISBN 3-7700-0635-6