Reinhard Spehr

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Reinhard Spehr (born September 19, 1938 in Lossow near Landsberg an der Warthe , today Włostów, municipality of Bogdaniec ) is a German prehistorian who has specialized in Slav research in Saxony .


Reinhard Spehr studied prehistoric archeology at the University of Jena . From 1962 to 2003 he worked as a research assistant and speaker for the State Museum for Prehistory and the Saxon State Office for Archeology with the State Museum for Prehistory in Dresden .

Publications (selection)

  • Archaeological topography of the Steinsburg near Römhild (= Small Writings of the State Museum for Prehistory Dresden 1), Dresden, 1980.
  • Osterland - a sensation in Saxon castle archeology , in: Burgenforschung aus Sachsen 2 (1993), pp. 28–35.
  • The Schmochtitz bracteat treasure. An investigation into the historical significance of the bracteate treasure , Schmochtitz, 1999.
  • with Herbert Boswank: Dresden. City foundation in the dark of history. Verlag D. J. M., o. O. [Dresden] 2000, ISBN 3-9803091-1-8 .
  • The Warnsdorf desert in the Tharandt forest in: Messages from the Freiberger Altertumsverein (MFA), Issue 91 (2002), pp. 5-62
  • The margravial hunting castles Osterland near Oschatz and Grillenburg near Freiberg , lecture at the Freiberger Altertumsverein eV, in the Freiberg City and Mining Museum , on January 17th, 2002
  • Excursion guide Grossenhain on May 9, 2004; [Gävernitz, Leckwitz…] , [Dresden], Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, 2004.
  • The desert castle Osterlant , Oschatz, Verlag Werbe- und Phila-Service Schmidt, 2005.
  • with Hans-Peter Hock: Archeology in the Dresden Castle. The excavations from 1982 to 1990 , Dresden, State Office for Archeology with State Museum for Prehistory, 2006.
  • Guide to the archaeological excursion on May 7, 2006 in the Leisnig area , Dresden, Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, 2006.
  • with Heinrich Magirius and Norbert Oelsner : Grillenburg , State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, workbook 10, Dresden 2006, ISBN 978-3-937602-85-1
  • with Cornelius Trebbin: The Burgraviate Dohna. Relations between Dresden, Dohna and Maxen, Die Sächsischen Salzstraßen , 2., verb. Ed., Maxen, Förderkreis Heinrich-Barth-Gesellschaft, 2011.
  • Gana, Paltzschen, Zehren. An archaeological-historical walk through the Lommatzscher Land , Dresden, Verlag DJM, 2011.
  • Riddle around Osterlant Castle. An archaeological picture book , Dresden, Verlag DJM, 2012.
  • In addition, a large number of scientific articles and articles on archaeological and prehistoric topics in the Free State of Saxony and in the Dresden area.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Short biography at the Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz