Reinhart Kraus

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Reinhart Kraus (born August 16, 1941 in Dresden ) is a retired German diplomat.


After studying law, Kraus initially worked as a lawyer. In 1972 he joined the foreign service of the Federal Republic of Germany . This was followed by duties in the embassies in France (1973–1976), Romania (1979–1982), Mexico (1982–1985) and at home (1976–1979 and 1985–1988). In 1988 Kraus was appointed Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Mozambique , where he stayed until 1990. After working as an envoy at the Moscow embassy, ​​he headed a department in the cultural department of the Foreign Office until 1992. Then Kraus became ambassador to Belarus in 1992 . In the same year he moved to Lithuania as ambassador . He stayed there until 1996. From 1999 to 2001 Kraus was ambassador to Latvia .

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supporting documents

  1. Jump up Jānis Ūdris: Jauns Vācijas vēstnieks Latvijā. In: Latvijas Vēstnesis. Government of the Republic of Latvia, March 10, 1999, accessed February 22, 2017 (Latvian).
predecessor Office successor
Wilfried Nölle German Ambassador to Mozambique
Jürgen Gehl
German ambassador to Belarus in
Gottfried Albrecht
Gottfried Albrecht German Ambassador to Lithuania
Ulrich rose garden
Horst Weisel German Ambassador to Latvia
Eckart Herold