Reinhold Weegmann

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Reinhold Weegmann , completely Gottlob Reinhold Weegmann , (born April 30, 1889 in Stuttgart , † January 22, 1963 in Herrenberg ) was a German painter and etcher .


Reinhold Weegmann attended the upper secondary school in Stuttgart , where he graduated from high school in the summer of 1907. After two years of training at the arts and crafts school in his home town, he began studying at the Stuttgart Academy of Fine Arts in 1909 . Here he became a master student in two classes, one with Robert von Haug and the other with Adolf Hölzel ; Gustav Igler is also mentioned as an academic teacher . From 1917 to 1927 he lived as a freelance artist in Stuttgart and married the singer Anne Schmitt, who was born in Mannheim in 1891. Weegmann had already achieved “European format” in this phase and could be named “in one go with Daumier ”. Through his examination of the effects of light and space, he also came into contact with the world of theater. In 1927 he was represented at the anniversary exhibition of the Württemberg Art Association in Stuttgart on the occasion of its centenary. In the same year he was appointed to the arts and crafts school in Gdansk, but had to give up teaching there in April 1936 - apparently for political reasons - although Georg Weegmann was friends with the NSDAP- Gau culture warden of the Gaus Württemberg-Hohenzollern Georg Schmückle against the Gaukulturwart Danzig had related in a permanent position for him. Unlike his wife, who had already joined the NSDAP “because of forced employment” in 1933, Weegmann never became a party member. He returned to Stuttgart.

His apartment there was destroyed in an air raid in the summer of 1944. A large part of his artistic life's work perished, including more than 200 etching plates, many hand drawings and works in oil. He then withdrew with his wife to Herrenberg, where he lived until his death. Attempts to obtain financial reparation for the disadvantages suffered for political reasons failed - not least because of Weegmann's request from the Nazi functionary Schmückle.


  • 1964: Exhibition in the town hall of Herrenberg in memory of the artist.

Literature and Sources

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bathelt (see literature), p. 404.
  2. ^ Nagel, artist lexicon (see literature), p. 125.
  3. The arts and crafts school founded in 1804 took on the role of a local art academy in Danzig; s. Wolfgang Neugebauer and Bärbel Holtz (eds.): Cultural State and Civil Society. Prussia, Germany and Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Berlin 2010, p. 31. ISBN 978-3-05-004616-7
  4. ^ State archive Ludwigsburg , inventory EL 902/4 (Spruchkammer 6 - Böblingen: procedural files ) , Bü 14681 ( Weegmann, Anne files ).