René Berlingin

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René Berlingin (born July 6, 1911 in Niederwiltz ; † 1986 ) was a real estate agent, investor and philatelist .


Berlingin came from a wealthy Belgian family. He was hard of hearing due to an ear infection in his childhood. On June 20, 1933 he was granted Luxembourg citizenship. He had an in-depth knowledge of philately and owned one of the largest and most valuable stamp collections of the 20th century. There were many top items in his stamp collection, including B. the Tre Skilling Banco misprint and four Red and Blue Mauritius . In the 1960s, his stamp collection was estimated at 15 to 20 million German marks .


  • Lieselotte Kugler (Ed.), Andreas Hahn (Ed.): The Blue Mauritius. The meeting of the queens in Berlin. A publication by the Museum Foundation Post and Telecommunications 2011, exhibition catalog in German and English, ISBN 978-3-9813202-1-3 , p. 174
  • Wolfgang Maassen: Who is who in Philately , Volume 1 A – D, 3rd edition from 2011, ISBN 978-3-932198-92-2 , p. 115
  • Wolfgang Maassen: Myth Mauritius (2): A princely collector - René Berlingin. In: philately issue No. 376 of October 2008, pp. 50–53
  • L. Flimmerstad: The Yellow Treskilling (German edition), Stockholm 2005, ISBN 91-975456-0-0 , p. 110 ff

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lieselotte Kugler (ed.), Andreas Hahn (ed.): Die Blaue Mauritius. The meeting of the queens in Berlin. A publication by the Museum Foundation Post and Telecommunications 2011, exhibition catalog in German and English, ISBN 978-3-9813202-1-3 , p. 174
  2. Wolfgang Maassen: Who is who in the Philately , Volume 1 AD, 3rd edition from 2011, ISBN 978-3-932198-92-2 , p. 115