Renate Wagner (theater scholar)

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Renate Wagner (also Renate Wagner-Wesemann , born 1946 in Vienna ) is an Austrian theater scholar and cultural journalist . She is considered a Schnitzler expert.

Renate Wagner received her doctorate in theater studies with a dissertation on Wiener Schnitzler performances 1891-1970 , which was published as a book in 1971. In 1972 she met Hans Weigel during a Schnitzler performance in the theater in der Josefstadt . He became her mentor and encouraged her to write a book about the women around Arthur Schnitzler, which was published in 1980. She worked for the culture department of ORF , wrote theater reviews for Austrian and German newspapers and as a book author other biographies. She had already published an encyclopedia on the life and work of Johann Nestroy when she published an extensive biography on the 150th anniversary of the poet's death, in which she chronologically traced his life. In her three-volume work Heimat are you great daughters , she portrayed important Austrian women.


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Individual evidence

  1. Renate Wagner: Mentor out of passion , in: Elke Vujica (Ed.): In dialogue with Hans Weigel. Friends and companions remember , Styria Verlag, Graz-Vienna-Cologne 1998, ISBN 978-3-222-12575-1 , pp. 258ff.
  2. Irene Bazinger: Renate Wagner: The Troublemaker. A little desperation, pity, madness , FAZ, June 29, 2012
  3. ^ Conversation with Renate Wagner about the book Dignity, Shine and Joy , Österreichische Mediathek (audio file), Vienna 1981
  4. ↑ The meaning of life. Renate Wagner's literary report on the great fin-de-siècle writer Arthur Schnitzler , review by Klaus Hammer, literary criticism, No. 8, August 2007