Reza Abbasi Museum

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The Reza Abbasi Museum is a museum in Tehran with exhibits from the 2nd Jtd. v. Until the end of the Qajar reign in the 20th century . In addition to chronologically arranged galleries on the archeology of Iran, there are others on Persian miniature painting and calligraphy .

The museum's exhibits include artifacts made of baked clay , metal and stone from prehistoric times, as well as utility and decorative items from the Median , Achaemenid and Sassanid periods . Other objects date from the Islamic period from the Bujids to the Seljuks , Mongols , Timurids and Safavids to the Qajar period.

The museum opened in September 1977 and has been restructured and expanded several times since then. It is subordinate to the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization . It is named after the miniature painter Reza Abbasi .

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