Rhodopygia in

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Rhodopygia in
Central American Redskimmer - Flickr - treegrow (1) .jpg

Rhodopygia in

Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Sympetrinae
Genre : Rhodopygia
Type : Rhodopygia in
Scientific name
Rhodopygia in
Calvert , 1906

The Rhodopygia eingi is one of the five dragonfly species of the genus Rhodopygia from the subfamily Sympetrinae . It occurs from South America to Panama and Costa Rica , as well as in Guatemala . The species was first described in 1906 by Philip Powell Calvert using an animal from Guatemala.

Description of the imago

The abdomen measures between 31 and 33 millimeters in males. In females, it is significantly shorter and measures 32.5 millimeters. While this part of the body is bright red in males, it is, like the thorax , brownish red in females. The thorax of the males is also brownish red. While the labium and upper lip ( labrum ) are yellow, the adjoining frontal plate ( clypeus ) and forehead are red. The hind wings measure between 38 and 42 millimeters in the males, while the length in the females is 41 millimeters. The reddish brown wing mark ( pterostigma ) reaches 4.2 millimeters in the females, while it measures 3.5 to 4.1 millimeters in the males.

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b J. Belle - Synopsis of the Neotropical genus Rhodopygia Kirby, 1889 (Odonata: Libellulidae), Zool. Med. Leiden 72 (1), (1998) 1-13, ISSN  0024-0672 .

Web links

Commons : Rhodopygia eingi  - Collection of images, videos and audio files