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Ribbesdorf is a desert near Piesdorf , a district of the town of Könnern in the Salzlandkreis , which is located in Saxony-Anhalt .


Ribbesdorf is located between Piesdorf and Belleben , a little south of the Schlackenbach . Today there is a small wood at the place, a dirt road leads past a little to the north. Its previously relatively large corridor with at least 16 hooves now forms the southwest part of the corridor of the former Piesdorf manor. Parts of the corridor were assigned to Ihlewitz.


According to Erich Neuss , it is a German village from the late Franconian colonization period, which had fallen into desolation at the beginning of the 15th century. In the village site, old iron tools and burned straw have recently been found there. A pond dam has been handed down from Neuss.

Documented traditions

On March 10, 1324, Joh. Von Alsleben and his uncle Gumpert gave the Mehringen monastery in Ribestorp two hooves that Siridus de Scapstede had until now.

In June 1371, Archbishop Albrecht III enfeoffed. the cousins ​​Albrecht and Hermann Voit with four hooves and five farms in Rostorp .

In 1447 Archbishop Albrecht IV enfeoffed Hans von Dieskau with seven and a half hooves on the Mark zu Ribstorf and in 1456 Hans von Poplitz with four hooves on the field of Ribbestorf . On July 24, 1467, he enfeoffed the brothers Kurt and Eberhard von Dieskau with a pond and a hoof in Ribbestorf . on May 12, 1467, the same archbishop enfeoffed Heinrich von Krosigk with various formerly Alslebian monastery estates , including six chickens from six farms in Rippestopf . In 1467 he finally enfeoffed Markus von Popelitz a. a. with four hooves on the field at Ribbesdorf .

After 1442 Bernd (or his son Hartwig) took Steube the manor Gerbstedt with the peasantry Ribbe village as Lehn of the Count Volker and Gebhard of Mansfeld .

In 1477 Archbishop Ernst Heinrich von Krosigk enfeoffed six chickens from six farms in Ryperstorf . The same archbishop later enfeoffed Heinrich von Krosigk with various incomes from Ribestorf . Later he enfeoffed the brothers Bernd and Hartwig von Stoyben with a shock groschen of four hooves on the field of Rippesdorf. In 1480 he enfeoffed Giselher, Kurt and Eberhard von Dieskau u. a. with a pond and a hoof to Ribbestorf .

In 1511 the brothers Hans and Otto von Dieskau sold, among other things, two and a half Hufen zu Ribsdorf to Lorenz von Krosigk .

Archbishop Albrecht V enfeoffed eleven brothers and cousins ​​from the von Krosigk family with six chickens and six farms in Ribesdorf on June 16, 1534 .

On July 11, 1665, the Mansfeld supervisor appointed Martin Christoph Steuben to Friedeburg a. a. to Ihlewitz with 4 groschen from a hoof to Riebersdorf .


  • Erich Neuss : Wüstungskunde of the Mansfeld districts (Seekreis and Gebirgskreis), first issue, pp. 313–315. Verlag Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1971, DNB 720075025

Coordinates: 51 ° 39 ′ 51 ″  N , 11 ° 38 ′ 21 ″  E