Richard Borg

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Richard Borg (* 1948 ) is an American game designer . He became internationally known for the dice game Liar's Dice , which was published in 1993 as Bluff in Germany and was awarded the Jury Prize Game of the Year . His historical simulation games Memoir '44 and Commands and Colors: Ancients as well as the fantasy game BattleLore , each of which has been supplemented by numerous additional material, are very successful .


Richard Borg began his career as a game developer with smaller games and after the success of his first game Liars Dice in 1987, which became Game of the Year as a bluff in Germany in 1993 , he decided to become a professional game developer. Borg focused on historical games and conflict simulations . His game Battle Cry from 2000 was about the American Civil War and was nominated in 2001 for the Gamers' Choice Award in the field of historical simulation. The Greek duel between the gods, Blitz und Donner (Hera and Zeus), was also nominated in the two-person games category. As a result, he expanded Battle Cry with several expansions and developed Wyatt Earp (2001) and How-Ruck! ( Heave Ho!; 2002), both of which were awarded the à la carte card game award. The next major success was the game Memoir '44 , which is set in the Second World War and was supplemented by numerous expansions in the following years. The same applies to the fantasy game BattleLore as well as Commands and Colors: Ancients , which is based in ancient Rome , which are based on the same game principle and of which there are also regular expansions to this day. In addition to these expansions to the successful games, Borg developed other games such as Samurai Battles , Cowtown , Abbadon (all 2012), The Great War (2015) and Siege of the Citadel (2017), which have been particularly successful in the American market, but so far are not available internationally.

Borg is married and has two children. He lives near Orlando , Florida .

Ludography (selection)


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