Richard Henry Falkland Fenton

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Richard Henry Falkland Fenton (born March 3, 1837 in London , † March 16, 1916 there ) was an English chess player .

Fenton became a professional chess player after exercising various professions, but did not achieve a particularly high level of skill. In addition to Leopold Hoffer and Isidor Gunsberg, he was occasionally involved as a hidden player in the alleged chess machine Mephisto .

Fenton became known to the chess public primarily for his game against William Norwood Potter in London in 1875. Its incorrectly reconstructed end position led to the creation of the famous Saavedra study twenty years later .


  • Harrie Grondijs: No Rook Unturned. A Tour Around the Saavedra Study. The Hague 2004. ISBN 90-74827-52-7 . Pp. 29-32