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Marigold tree

Ringeln is a technical term from ornithology and describes the method of chopping on branches or trunks standing in the sap in order to get to tree sap and tree sap. To do this, the bird chops holes around a trunk or on the top of a branch. These slowly fill with tree sap, which is ingested by the birds. Later on Wallen the holes, whereby the typical and eponymous rings (more ridges) are formed. Red oak , maple and in Europe also the linden are particularly popular "marigolds".

Ringing is especially common in the woodpecker family (Picidae). Some species, such as the American sap lovers , specialize almost exclusively in this food acquisition. In European woodpeckers (. Eg spotted woodpecker ( Dendrocopos major ), Middle Spotted Woodpecker ( Dendrocopos medius ), or three-toed woodpecker ( Picoides tridactylus )) is the juice leaking - especially in the spring - as complementary foods.


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Commons : Girdling (Woodpecker)  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files