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Dumbbell in the overhand grip
Instep grip in gymnastics

The overhand grip is a type of grip in strength and dumbbell training as well as in gymnastics. It describes a joint position in which the palm of the hand points downwards, the back of the hand towards the body or upwards and the thumb towards the body or inwards. This is called a pronated position.

When doing gymnastics, the handle is often called the instep handle . He is the triangle - and uneven bars used -Turnen. Another type of grip is the comb grip (also called an underhand grip ).

This position is adjacent to the lower handle a variation in all known Dumbbell and bar exercises. In the deadlift , one hand is used in the upper and one in the lower grip. This method is called a cross grip . In biceps exercises , the forearm (primarily the brachioradialis muscle ) is additionally stressed in the overhand grip; the user can usually use less weight than in the underhand grip.

See also