Robert Dumesnil

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Robert Dumesnil (born June 20, 1905 in Paris , France , † 1984 in France) was a French film architect .


Born in Paris, he briefly attended the École Boulle until 1923 and then began his professional life as an artisan. Robert Dumesnil joined the celluloid industry in the silent film era through an assistant position with the production designer René Renoux . There he worked since the mid-1930s on a number of conventional entertainment films, most of which were directed by not-too-important directors. In 1965 Robert Dumesnil retired.


  • 1936: Une femme qui se partage
  • 1936: Les maris de ma femme
  • 1937: La belle de Montparnasse
  • 1937: Chipée
  • 1937: Neuf de trèfle
  • 1938: Métropolitain
  • 1938: Une de la cavalerie
  • 1938: Visages de femme
  • 1939: Sur le plancher des vaches
  • 1941: Montmartre-sur-Seine
  • 1941: Dernière aventure
  • 1941: Mademoiselle Swing
  • 1942: Malaria
  • 1942: La bonne étoile
  • 1942: Lettres d'amour
  • 1943: Le soleil de minuit
  • 1943: La collection Ménard
  • 1944: Bifur 3
  • 1945: Le gardian
  • 1945: Sundowner rôle
  • 1946: Les Chouans
  • 1947: Le diamant de cent sous
  • 1947: Un flic
  • 1948: Scandale
  • 1949: On ne triche pas avec la vie
  • 1949: L'auberge du péché
  • 1950: L'homme de la Jamaïque
  • 1950: La vie chantée
  • 1951: Duel à Dakar
  • 1951: The dirty hands ( Les mains sales )
  • 1951: The monster ( La poison )
  • 1952: The secret of the mountain lake / The girl with the whip ( The virgin with the whip , and French verse: La fille au fouet )
  • 1953: Königsmark ( Kœnigsmark )
  • 1954: Le fil à la patte
  • 1955: The Man Who Found The Millions ( Toute la ville accuse )
  • 1956: Ah! Source equipe
  • 1957: The pastor of Pigalle ( Le désert de Pigalle )
  • 1958: Tant d'amour perdu
  • 1959: The night of the hunted ( La nuit des traqués )
  • 1960: The girls traffickers of Paris ( Chaque minute compte )
  • 1960: Death does not wear a tuxedo ( Alibi pour un meurtre )
  • 1961: À rebrousse-poil
  • 1965: La sentinelle endormie


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 2: C - F. John Paddy Carstairs - Peter Fritz. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 471.
  • International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) (ed.): International Directory of Cinematographers, Set- and Costume Designers of Film. Vol. 2: France. Ed. by Alfred Krautz. Munich / New York / London / Paris 1983. pp. 170 f.

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