Robert Lehmann-Nitsche

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Robert Lehmann-Nitsche

Robert Lehmann-Nitsche (born November 9, 1872 in Radomitz , Posen ; † April 9, 1938 in Berlin ) was a German ethnologist and doctor who lived in Argentina for a long time and brought together an extensive collection of Argentinian folklore.


Lehmann-Nitzsche studied in Berlin and, after completing his doctorate in Munich, successfully applied as a 25-year-old in 1897 to a tender from the Museo de La Plata in La Plata in Argentina, where he became head of the anthropology department. In addition to his work in the museum, he collected a large number of texts, documents, image and sound materials ( milongas ) in Argentina over a period of 30 years with a focus on the popular culture of the time . In 1919 he became a corresponding member of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory . Lehmann-Nitsche published urban erotic texts under the pseudonym Victor Borde . a. in brothels and in his research on the sex life of indigenous peoples . The assignment and naming of the Chon languages in Patagonia goes back to Lehmann-Nitsche .

After his retirement, Lehmann-Nitsche returned to Germany in 1930 and settled in Berlin.

His estate is in the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin.

Publications (selection)

  • A contribution to prehistoric surgery. In: Archives for Clinical Surgery . Vol. 51 (1896), H. 4, pp. 910-918.
  • El grupo lingüístico Tschon de los territorios magallánicos. In: Revista del Museo de la Plate. Vol. 22 (1913), pp. 217-276.
  • La leyenda de Santos Vega. In: Anales de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (Buenos Aires). B. 2, series 3, 1916, pp. 192-263.
  • Mitología sudamericana II: la cosmogonía según los Puelche de la Patagonia. 1919.
  • Studies on South American mythology , Hamburg 1939


  • Santiago A. Bilbao: Rememorando a Roberto Lehmann-Nitsche . La Colmena, Buenos Aires 2004, ISBN 987-902851-1 .
  • Bernd Wulffen: German traces in Argentina. Two centuries of changeful relationships . Chr. Links Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-573-7 , p.

Web links

Wikisource: Robert Lehmann-Nitsche  - Sources and full texts