Robert Reichert (actor)

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Robert Reichert (born September 6, 1994 in Thuringia ) is a German actor .


Robert Reichert has played Justus Kluge in more than 200 episodes from the 13th season since the beginning of 2010 in the children's and youth series Schloss Einstein on KiKA . This was his television debut . With the end of the 16th season he got out of the series. In 2013 he played the role of the kitchen boy in the ARD fairytale film The Little Mermaid , directed by Irina Popow , who had already filmed several Schloss Einstein episodes with Reichert.

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Individual evidence

  1. 13th season - New season: Einstein Castle
  2. Robert (Justus) stood in front of the camera for "The Little Mermaid" ; accessed on January 8, 2016.