Robert Settekorn

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Robert Hermann Settekorn ( July 2, 1855 in Quedlinburg - 1924 in Braunschweig ) was a German opera singer ( baritone ).


Settekorn's father was a senior civil servant who did not easily agree with his son's intention to attend the stage. That is why he first had to devote himself to banking, in which he had worked for five years, without ever completely giving up the thought of the stage.

He also eagerly took singing lessons, often visited the Leipzig theater and it was only at the age of 22 that he was able to give up the monotonous profession of bank clerk and turn to an artistic career. He dared his first attempt after three years of zealous musical training at the Hamburg City Theater (inaugural role: "Masetto") (1880). Then he worked for a year at the theater in Rotterdam, from there he came to the city theater in Stettin (1882), where he continued his studies, found engagement at the court theater in Coburg-Gotha in 1883 and received a valuable application to the court theater in Braunschweig in 1884. He worked there until 1902 and performed there as a guest until 1908. He was a member of the Braunschweig Freemason Lodge Carl zum Crowned Pillar .

Guest performances brought him to the Court Opera of Vienna (1885), to the Court Theaters of Weimar (1891) and Hanover (1902), to the Leipzig Opera House (1904) and to the Theater des Westens Berlin (1904). He had his best performances as a Wagner interpreter ("Hans Sachs", "Fliegender Holländer", "Wolfram", " Telramund ", "Alberich" in the Nibelungenring ), as the title hero in Verdi's Rigoletto , as "Don Giovanni" and as "Lord Ruthwen" im Vampyr from Heinrich Marschner .

He was also a respected concert and oratorio singer.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Robert Settekorn in the German biography