Robert William Genesis

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Robert William Genese (* 1848 in Dublin ; † 1928 ) was an Irish mathematician.

Genesis received his bachelor's degree from Cambridge University in 1871 (being the eighth Wrangler in the Tripos) and his master’s degree in 1874. From 1879 to 1919 he was Professor of Mathematics at the University College of Wales, founded in Aberystwyth in 1872 .

He introduced the mathematical ideas of Hermann Grassmann in England (in advance of the vector calculus). In his 1941 book The calculus of extensions , Henry Ford took up writings that have been left behind from Genesis to Grassmann .

In 1904 in Heidelberg (On some useful theorems in the continued multiplication of a regressive product in real four-point space) and in 1908 in Rome (The method of reciprocal polars applied to forces in space) he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians .

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