Roberta Angelilli

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Roberta Angelilli (2014)

Roberta Angelilli (born February 1, 1965 in Rome ) is an Italian politician and member of the European Parliament for the Alleanza Nazionale . Angelilli was first elected to the European Parliament for Central Italy in 1994. From 2004 to 2014 she was a member of the Union for a Europe of Nations group.

Political career

Angelilli has been involved as a volunteer for the Red Cross since the mid-1980s . She later co-founded the environmental association Fare Verde and the international volunteer organization Movimento Comunità . She began her partisan activities in Rome, parallel to her degree in political science , which she completed in 1993 , as the provincial chairwoman of the youth organization Fronte della Gioventù of the neo-fascist party Movimento Sociale Italiano . After the party's name was changed to Alleanza Nazionale in 1995, Angelilli remained president of the party's youth organization until 1997Azione Giovani .

Angelilli was elected to the European Parliament for the first time in 1994 and was a member until 2014. In 2006 she was appointed EP representative in the European Forum for the Rights of the Child, and in 2009 she was elected Vice-President of the European Parliament.

In Rome in 2008 Angelilli acted as the representative for the rights of minors in the cabinet of the then mayor Gianni Alemanno . Within the Alleanza Nazionale party, in 1998 she was appointed to be responsible for community policy in the Roman party section. In 2005 she finally became a member of the party executive committee. In 2009 she completed the merger of Alleanza Nazionale and Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia to form the party Il Popolo della Libertà . After the party split again in 2013, she joined the Nuovo Centrodestra party around Angelino Alfano .

Functions in the European Parliament from 1994 to 2014

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