Roberto Wis

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Roberto Wis (* 1908 in Lodrone , Storo , † 1987 in Helsinki ) was an Italian Romance philologist and lexicographer who worked in Finland.

life and work

Roberto Vittorio Weiss di Lodrone later called himself Roberto Wis. In 1942 he founded the Italian Cultural Institute (Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Finlandia) in Helsinki and headed it for many years. He was also an honorary professor and private lecturer at the University of Helsinki .

A book has been dedicated to the friendship of Wis and Domenico Giuliotti .

Wis (Roberto Weiss) should not be confused with the historian and Italianist Roberto Weiss (1906–1969).


  • Leopardi. Una favola antica , Milan 1938, 1948 (ud N. Roberto Weiss di Lodrone)
  • (Translator and ed. With Angiolo Marcori) Santa Teresa di Gesù, La vita scritta da lei medesima , Florence 1946 (ud N. Roberto Weiss)
  • (Ed.) Un inedito petrarchesco. La redazione sconosciuta di un capitolo del "Trionfo della fama" , Rome 1950
  • (with Walter Olof Streng-Renkonen ) Italialais-suomalainen sanakirja , Helsinki 1950, 1959 (Italian-Finnish dictionary)
  • "Ferruccio Busoni e la Finlandia", Bullettino Storico Empolese 1, year 1, no. 1 (1957): 59-74; under the same title in his Terra boreale: studi italo-finlandesi , 149-82, pictures ix-xii (Porvoo, Helsinki: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtio, 1969); English translation as "Ferruccio Busoni and Finland", Acta musicologica 40, No. 2 (July – December 1977): 250-69
  • Giacomo Leopardi. Studio biografico , Helsinki 1959 (adaptation by Weiss 1938)
  • Il pappo e il dindi. Prime letture italiano , Helsinki 1962
  • Terra boreal. Studi italo-finlandesi , Helsinki 1969 (collective publication )
  • (with Marjatta Wis) Ángel Ganivet in Finlandia. Studio biografico e testi , Helsinki 1988 (posthumous)


  • Renzo Frattarolo, Dizionario degli scrittori italiani contemporanei pseudonimi 1900–1975 , Ravenna 1975 sv Roberto Wis
  • Veikko Väänänen , Roberto Wis in memoriam, in: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 89, 1988
  • Storia di un'amicizia. Roberto Wis e Domenico Giuliotti. Con bibliografia , ed. by Ettore Tirinnanzi and Piergiovanni Permoli, Greve 1993

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