Robin Curtis (media scientist)

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Robin Curtis (* 1964 in Toronto ) is a Canadian cultural and media scholar.


She studied Cinema Studies and German Languages ​​and Literature at the University of Toronto and Theater Studies and North American Studies at the Free University of Berlin ( Master's thesis : Film and Memory: Lakunae of History (s) ). From 1997 she was a research assistant in the AV media studies department at the University of Film and Television Potsdam-Babelsberg . From 2002 to 2010 she was a research assistant in the Collaborative Research Center Cultures of the Performative at the Free University of Berlin. After completing her doctorate in 2003 at the Free University of Berlin with Gertrud Koch on the subject of Situating the Self: Visceral Experience and Anxiety in the German Non-Fictional Autobiographical Film , she was a Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from 2008 to 2011 . After her habilitation with the thesis Filmische Immersion , she taught from 2012 to 2017 as a professor for theory and history of audiovisual media at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf . Since 2017 she has taught as Chairholder of Media cultural studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg .

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