Rocher de bronze

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Rocher de bronze ( French , [ rɔʃeːdəbrõːs ]), "brazen rock" symbol of unwavering strength, a popular saying that the King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia , called Soldier King , back, of at 25. April 1716 to an input the marginal note wrote: "I ... stabilize the sovereignty and set the crown like a rocher of bronze." He justified an absolutist approach, in that the arguments of East Elbian Junkers against a tax increase, which in their opinion threatened to ruin the country, no Heard and enforced his own will and thus limited the independence of the nobility.


Individual evidence

  2. Here after: Rocher de bronze . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 17, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1909, p.  38 . Exact wording in: Acta Borussica . The organization of the authorities and the general state administration of Prussia in the 18th century. Volume 2. Berlin 1898, p. 352, Textarchiv - Internet Archive
  3. Friedrich Wilhelm I, King in Prussia (1688–1740) . French Reformed Community of Potsdam
  4. Beginning and Ascent - The Soldier King . Spiegel Spezial Geschichte: Prussia - the warlike reform state .