Rochus Schüch

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Rochus Schüch (also: Schiech, Schuch and Roque * 15. August 1788 in Ranigsdorf at Moravian Třebová , Moravia ; † 4. March 1844 in Brazil ) was a professor of mathematics and natural sciences at the Gymnasium of Opava (Opava), mineralogist and later teacher Archduchess Leopoldines and curator of the Imperial Museum of Natural History.

At the request of the Archduchess, he traveled with the first expedition to Brazil in 1817 and became her court librarian in Rio . In the imperial palace he set up a small collection of natural objects with Leopoldina , the basis for the later Brazilian National Museum . Schüch was a member of the Brazilian Geographic Institute (IHGB), was called Roque Schuch in Brazil , and was later also the teacher of Leopoldina's son, Pedro II , with whom Schüch's son, Wilhelm Schüch or Guilherme Schuch, who later became Baron von Capanema, was friends.

His extensive collection of Brazilian plants is in the Botanical Department of the Natural History Museum in Vienna . Schüch's name lives on in the name of a species of the genus of the myrtle family named after Prinz Eugen - Eugenia schuechiana. Rochus Schüch died in Brazil in 1844.
