Rodion Rodionowitsch Kazakow

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Rodion Rodionowitsch Kasakow ( Russian Родион Родионович Казаков ; * 1758 in Moscow ; † 1803 ibid) was a Russian architect .

Between 1790 and 1800 he and his teacher Matwei Kazakow (to whom he was not related) created an album of the classicist buildings of the city of Moscow in six volumes. It contains the description of 103 Moscow villas, as well as over 360 drawings and plans. The album was kept in the armory of the Moscow Kremlin , of which Kazakov became director in 1801.



  • B. Vvedensky et al: Bolshaya sovetskaya enziklopedija: Tom 19 . Isd-wo Bolschaja sovetskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1953, p. 301 (Russian)

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