Rodrigues night heron

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Rodrigues Night Heron †
Skull and other bones

Skull and other bones

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pelecaniformes
Family : Herons (Ardeidae)
Genre : Nycticorax
Type : Rodrigues Night Heron †
Scientific name
Nycticorax megacephalus
( Milne-Edwards , 1873)

The Rodrigues night heron ( Nycticorax megacephalus ) is only known from an old travelogue by François Leguat , who described it in the 17th century. The heron had limited flight capabilities and laid greenish eggs; its plumage resembled that of the common night heron . The Rodrigues night heron was a good runner and bad flier.


  • James A. Kushlan & James A. Hancock: Herons . Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN 0198549814

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