Roger Desponds

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Roger Desponds (born January 8, 1919 in Lausanne , † February 18, 1989 there ) was a Swiss manager .

He went through elementary school in Morges and graduated in 1945 as a civil engineer . 1945–53 he worked in a metal construction office in Aigle before moving to the Swiss Federal Railways . As an employee of the construction department of the SBB general management in Bern , he took over the management of the renovation of the Bern train station in 1958 . In 1967 he was promoted to director in the construction department of the Lausanne district administration. In 1971 he took up the post of SBB General Director. As President of the General Management, he was in charge of the entire management of the Federal Railways from 1973 to 1983. During his term of office, the changeover to the regular timetable , the struggle of the SBB for a healthy financial basis and the construction of the SBB training center in Löwenberg took place.