Roger Lenaers

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Roger Lenaers

Roger Charles Lenaers (born January 4, 1925 in Ostend , Belgium ) joined the Jesuit order in 1942 and studied philosophy , theology and classical philology . From 1995 to 2016 he was pastor of Vorderhornbach in Tyrol , after which he retired to Leuven , Belgium .

As a classical philologist, he specialized in the didactics of ancient languages ​​(more than 30 publications). As a theologian, he taught in high school and at the theological college.

His specialty is questions of modernity (understood as the worldview that began with the Enlightenment, as the fruit of modern science and the humanism of the Renaissance) and secularization . In 2000 and 2002 he published two longer essays in Dutch on the collision between modernity and traditional beliefs, in which he reconciled the message of faith with modernity with the help of a new formulation. The two writings caused a sensation in Flanders . In 2005 his first book was originally published in German. The second edition followed in 2008 (only linguistic corrections). In February 2009 a new book “Although there is no God on high ...” will be published in Dutch.

Lenaers' main concern is a transition from premodern, heteronomous to theonomous thinking in theology. He first contrasts heteronomous thinking (for him, this means assuming a world that lies outside the real world that can be perceived by humans) with autonomous thinking. He understands autonomous thinking to be today's scientific thinking, which no longer has “room” for heteronomous ideas (for example, God lives in a heaven above).

He understands modern theonomic thinking to mean the “reconciliation of autonomy and belief in God” in the sense that God is the deepest being of the entire cosmos. After this notion there is only one world that can be perceived by humans. However, this is "holy because it is the continuous self-revelation of that holy mystery to which we refer with the term 'God'".


  • De Droom van Nebuchadnezzar. Of het einde van een middeleeuwse kerk . 160 blz., Berg en Dal / Leuven, 2000
  • Uittocht uit oudchristelijke mythen . Berg en Dal / Leuven, 2002
  • The dream of King Nebuchadnezzar . The end of a medieval church . copy-us Verlags GmbH, Kleve 2005, ISBN 3-935861-15-X . English translation: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream or the End of a Medieval Catholic Church, Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA 2007. Spanish translation: Otro Cristianismo es posible, Fe en lenguaje de modernidad, Editorial Abya Yala , Quito, 2008, 244 pp. Portuguese Translation: Altro Cristianismo es posible. Paulus Editora, São Paolo. Italian translation: Il sogno di Nabucodonosor. Fine della chiesa cattolica medievale.
  • The dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. The end of a medieval church . Lecture, 12 pages (PDF; 129 kB). Vienna 2008
  • The papacy as a stumbling block - what can we do? Lecture, 18 pages (PDF; 131 kB) Linz 2009
  • To live in God without God. copy-us Verlags GmbH, Kleve 2011, ISBN 978-3-935861-28-1 Original title `Al is er geen God-in-den hoge´ published in 2009 by Pelckmans Uitgeverij, Kapellen Belgium
  • Believers say goodbye to religion. copy-us Verlags GmbH, Kleve 2012, ISBN 978-3-935861-31-1 Original title ´Al is er geen God-in-den hoge´ (2nd part) published in 2009 by Pelckmans Uitgeverij, Kapellen Belgium
  • Jesus of Nazareth, a person like us? copy-us Verlags GmbH, Kleve 2015, ISBN 978-3-935861-38-0 Original title ´Jesus von Nazaret, een mens als wij? ´ published in 2015 by Pelckmans Uitgeverij, Kapellen Belgium.
  • 70 short sermons for all Sundays and public holidays in reading year A , Fromm Verlag, Saarbrücken 2016, ISBN 978-3-8416-0652-5
  • Short sermons for all Sundays in reading year B, self-published
  • Short sermons for all Sundays in reading year C, self-published

Individual evidence

  1. Roger Lenaers: The dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. The end of a medieval church. copy-us Verlags GmbH, Kleve 2005, ISBN 3-935861-15-X , p. 24
  2. Roger Lenaers: The dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. The end of a medieval church. copy-us Verlags GmbH, Kleve 2005, ISBN 3-935861-15-X , p. 25
  3. See the book recommendation .

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