Roland Kroell

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Roland Kroell with Dulcimer in his Laufenburg music studio, 2011

Roland Kroell (born March 21, 1954 in Waldshut-Tiengen ) is a hiking book author and songwriter from the southern Black Forest . He sees himself in the tradition of medieval minstrels .


Roland Kroell was born on March 21, 1954 in Waldshut-Tiengen. In 1974 he learned at a longer trip through Ireland, Doolin , at Miko Russell , the tin whistle playing. The bagpiper Dan O'Dowd from Dublin built a uileann pipe for him, also known as an elbow pipe, because the instrument is not blown but is played with an arm bellows. Inspired by the Irish struggle for freedom, he began to write and compose his own songs in a youth hostel in Killary Harbor , which the famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once lived in, about the German Peasants' War of 1524/25. Ballads emerged about the farmer leader Hans Müller von Bulgenbach , Kunz Jehle from Niedermühle near St. Blasien or Dr. Balthasar Hubmaier , pastor of Waldshut. After his stay in Ireland he played these songs to his former teacher Dr. Emil Müller Ettikon, who had published several self-published books on these topics, which Kroell used as a source. The teacher was absolutely enthusiastic and took a book about the saltpeter from his book room and said to the young singer: "So, now you can try singing the saltpeter songs!"

From 1975 onwards, Kroell lived in Freiburg, which at that time offered a breeding ground for such forgotten democratic issues through the protests against a nuclear power plant in Wyhl. The songwriter Walter Mossmann introduced Kroell to the radio play author Thomas Jean Lehner from the SWF. At that time he was working on a radio play about the saltpeter movement in the Hotzenwald . At the age of 21 (1975), Kroell became known through the Südwestrundfunk (then Südwestfunk SWF-Landesstudio Freiburg) with his new dubbing of the forgotten songs of the saltpeter riots from the Hotzenwald. He then founded a folk band called "Roland Kroell und die Salpeterer". The group existed under different occupations from 1975 to 1985.

Due to Kroell's versatile musical and singing talent, he was repeatedly invited to radio plays in the Freiburg regional studio of the SWF as a radio play composer and performer until the merger of the SWF with the SDR (today SWR) in 2000. Unfortunately, most of the old, traditional broadcasts fell victim to the merger.

In 1995 Kroell composed (inspired by his long experience in radio play) 16 song melodies for Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach and used original texts from the medieval verse epic. From 2000 to 2007 he composed 30 songs on Tristan and Isolde by Gottfried von Strassburg (around 1200). The premiere was on May 5, 2007 on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the city of Laufenburg on the Upper Rhine .

Since 1997 he has written several hiking books on the Black Forest , Vosges and Swiss Jura regions .

In 2012-2013 Kroell wrote and composed the new Wieland song from the Edda. In 2015 Kroell emigrated to Ireland and returned to the Black Forest. In 2015–2018 he set love songs by the young James Joyce to music. Roland Kroell plays the following instruments: guitar, dulcimer, epinettes, tin and low whistle, uileann pipes, gong, glass harp, tanbura, boron (frame drum), bouzouki, overtone flute, etc. a. Roland Kroell has a daughter.


  • Saltpeter songs and ballads: Trikont, Munich, 1977
  • Scho sit duusig Joohr: Werkstatt-Edition, Laufenburg, 1983
  • Cave music, water symphony for stalactites ... in the Hasler cave, Glasmann Records, Wehr, 1995
  • Archaic & Celtic Chants: Pan-Tao, 1998
  • Many thousands rise up - songs on the Baden Revolution 1848/49: SWR, Freiburg, 1999
  • Parzival: Erdenklang and DA-Musik, 1996 and 2003
  • Legend music (Roland Kroell & Gino Suter) as a supplement for book: Tannhupper and Leelifotzel, legends of the neighbors on the Upper Rhine, by Werner Fasolin a. a., published by the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde, Laufenburg-CH, 2008
  • Tantris & Îsôt: 30 song settings (2CDs), Edition Mariagrün, Laufenburg, 2009
  • Over a laughing land - love songs set to music by James Joyce, Edition Mariagrün, Laufenburg, 2018
  • Celtic forest music - Roland Kroell & Christoph Pampuch (Irish bronze string harp), Edition Mariagrün, Laufenburg, 2018
  • Roland Kroell "Live in Bruyeres / F" - Epinettes en ballade, Edition Mariagrün, Laufenburg, 2018


  • Mythological travel: Southern Black Forest-Kaiserstuhl : Verlag Moritz Schauenburg, Lahr, 1977
  • Mythological travel: Central Northern Black Forest : Verlag Moritz Schauenburg, Lahr, 1977
  • Mythical Travel Black Forest in one volume : epubli, Berlin, 2019
  • Legends, myths, legends. Hiking in the Dreiland : Reinhardt-Verlag, Basel, 2000 and epubli, Berlin, 2019
  • Magical Black Forest and Vosges: Hikes to Places of Power , AT Verlag, Baden and Munich, 2004 and epubli, Berlin, 2019
  • Magical Northern Vosges : Neue Erde Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2006 and epubli, Berlin 2019
  • Magical places, sagas and legends. Hiking in the Black Forest , epubli, Berlin 2019
  • The forest as a healer , Edition Mariagrün, Laufenburg, 2017 and epubli, Berlin, 2019
  • Democratic freedom songs part I. 170 years of revolution in Baden 1848/49 , Edition Mariagrün, Laufenburg, 2018 and epubli, Berlin, 2019
  • Witnesses of the megalithic culture on the Upper Rhine , Josef Schneider & Roland Kroell, epubli, Berlin, 2019
  • Medieval singing game "Tantris & Îsôt" , epubli, Berlin, 2020
  • Forest Walker , epubli, Berlin, 2020
  • Roland Kroell the Bard from the Upper Rhine - songs, ballads, poems, biography and background , epubli, Berlin, 2020

Radio plays (with Ursula Kroell)

  • How the Black Forest Cuckoo Clock came to the Muslims, SWF, Landesstudio Freiburg, 1992
  • The glass as pure and clear as crystal, SWF, Landesstudio Freiburg, Hörzeit, 1993
  • Rail Bridge Rebellion, SWF; Regional studio Freiburg, listening time, 1995

Radio play composer

  • The adventurous life of Simplicius Simplicissimus - SWF, Landesstudio Freiburg, Hörzeit, 1975
  • People who are not subject to any authority in the forest - the Saltpeterer, by Thomas Lehner, SWF, Landesstudio Freiburg, Hörzeit, 1977
  • The hump of the poor people, Chunz Jehli, by Thomas Lehner, Süddeutscher Rundfunk, Hörzeit, 1978
  • Doros Kromer - The adventures of a Black Forest knight of fortune in America, by Thomas Lehner, (emigrant songs) SWF, listening time, 1980
  • The sympathy doctors, by Thomas Lehner, SWF, Hörzeit, 1980
  • The strange saints on the Upper Rhine, by Thomas Lehner, SWF, Hörzeit; 1981
  • In the Age of Reformation, by Dietlinde Karasek, (Luther-Lieder) SWF II, 1983
  • Ghost and witch sagas, by Lilo Külp, SWF, Hörzeit, 1984
  • Kaspar Hauser, by Thomas Lehner, SWF, Hörzeit, 1985
  • The Battle of the Trees, ballad based on a new setting for Taliesin by Roland Kroell, SWF, Forum im II, 1985
  • Mc Crimmon, the first bagpiper, by Thomas Lehner, Saarländischer Rundfunk, 1987
  • Indo-Kelto-Bardo, Roland Kroell meets the Indian sarod player Jens Egert, SWF, Forum im II, 1988
  • The Dreyeckland session with Rüdiger Oppermann, Markus Weiss, Uhuru Uhl and Roland Kroell, SWF, Forum im II, 1989
  • Speak to the fast water: "I am!", By Thomas Lehner, (water music with overtones) SWF, Hörzeit, 1990
  • Lochheiri, by Thomas Lehner, (Ballade vom Lochheiri and 1848/49 songs) SWF, listening time, 1991
  • The miracle doctor with the executioner's sword - Paracelsus, by Thomas Lehner, (Paracelsuslieder) SWF, Hörzeit, 1993
  • The Belchen project, by Thomas Lehner a. a., SWF - 30 special programs (music and contributions by Roland Kroell), 1993



  • The secret of the Black Madonnas, voyages of discovery to places of power, by Ursula Kröll, photos by Roland Kroell, Kreuz-Verlag, 1998

Book supplier

  • Jean d'Arras. Melusine. German translation by Thomas Jean Lehner. With pictures by Thomas Lehner, Laufenburg, 2018

Web links