Roland Singer

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Roland Singer (born February 16, 1940 ) is a German sports psychologist , sports scientist and university professor.


Singer studied psychology at the University of Munich between 1961 and 1965 and then worked as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Occupational Physiology in Dortmund from 1965 to 1969 . In 1969 he obtained a doctorate in psychology from the University of Regensburg . From 1969 to 1972 Singer was a research assistant at the Institute for Occupational Medicine at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen , in 1972 he took up a professorship in sports psychology in Giessen, and in September 1974 he moved to the Technical University of Darmstadt , where he took on a professorship for sports psychology and sports sociology . In May 2005, Singer retired.

The work “Introduction to Sport Psychology”, which Singer published together with Hartmut Gabler and Jürgen Nitsch , is considered to be the “standard textbook of German-speaking sport psychology”. In addition, Singer is credited with having set standards in sport psychological methodology. With regard to sports science education, he examined the “use of multimedia teaching-learning systems” in the late 1990s and early 2000s as part of a research project. His main research interests were in the areas of “social learning”, “sport and personality”, motivational psychology, in connection with sporting activity and health, as well as in the areas of senior sports, everyday activity and psychological training in golf. He also dealt with professional sport and its mechanisms, in 1996 Singer and Christoph Breuer published an article in the magazine “ Leistungssport ” on the subject of “Change of coaches during the season and their influence on team success. An analysis of 32 years of the Bundesliga ".

From 1985 to 1993 Singer was the second chairman of the working group for sport psychology in Germany and was involved in establishing the subject of sport psychology as a sub-discipline of sport science.

Individual evidence

  1. Institute for Sports Science: Prof. Dr. Roland Singer - profile . In: Institute for Sports Science - Technical University Darmstadt . ( [accessed on November 15, 2018]).
  2. News from the asp . In: Journal of Sport Psychology . tape 12 (3) . Hogrefe Verlag, Göttingen 2005, p. 103 .
  3. Summary: Introduction to Sport Psychology: Part 1: Basic Topics. Retrieved November 15, 2018 .
  4. a b Barbara Halberschmidt: Roland Singer was 75. In: Working Group for Sport Psychology in Germany, accessed on November 15, 2018 .
  5. Summary: Use of multimedia teaching-learning systems in sports science training. Retrieved November 15, 2018 .
  6. Summary: Physical or sporting activity and health. Retrieved November 15, 2018 .
  7. Summary: Change of coach over the course of the season and its influence on team success. An analysis of 32 years of the Bundesliga. Retrieved November 15, 2018 .