Roman Simic

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Roman Simić Bodrožić (* 1972 in Zadar ( Yugoslavia ), today Croatia ) is a Croatian writer and editor . He is considered one of the most important young Croatian authors and in his prose he reflects the mood of his generation.


Roman Simić was the publisher and editor-in-chief of the important Croatian literary magazine Quorum and is the organizer and program director of the renowned Festival of the European Short Story in Zagreb. He works as an editor for the Croatian publishing house Fraktura , after having worked for the publishing house Profil for several years .

In 1992 and 1996 he won 2nd prize at the Goran Prize for Young Poets . In 2003 he received a scholarship from the City of Graz, and in 2004 from the Literary Colloquium in Berlin . He took part in the Biennale of Young Mediterranean Artists in Rome in 1999 and in the writers' meeting of the days of André Malraux in Sarajevo in 2000 as well as in the presentations of contemporary Croatian prose writers in Vienna 2001–2003 and in Gothenburg in 2004.

In 2005, he received the Jutarnji List Prize for the best Croatian prose work of the year for the book In Was wir ein Verliebe (U što se zaljubljujemo) (published in German by Voland & Quist in 2007 ) . In 2012 his third volume of short stories, Von all den unbellichen Dingen (Nahrani me), was published (2013 in German by the publishing house Voland & Quist), which primarily deals with the topic of parenting in its many facets and is based on Simić's personal experiences. In his play with narrative perspectives, the boundaries between autobiographical and fictional elements become blurred. His stories have been translated into French, Swedish, Slovenian, Polish, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Spanish, Serbian and English.

He lives with his wife, the author Ivana Bodrožić , in Zagreb , Croatia.


  • U trenutku kao u divljini . (At the moment like in the wilderness). Poems, Zagreb 1996
  • Mjesto na kojem ćemo provesti noć . (The place where we will spend the night). Short stories, Zagreb 2000 (Polish translation 2003; Slovenian translation 2004)
  • U što se zaljubljujemo . (What we fall in love with), stories. Zagreb 2005
  • Nahrani me . (Feed me). Short stories, Zagreb 2012


“Simić's stories are cities, so well composed that you only want to stroll slowly through their street sentences. I'm Simić's tourist! "

- Saša Stanišić

“Simić develops his exciting and often bizarre stories from everyday, seemingly banal scenes. The strangeness and fragility of human relationships are paramount. ... The strength of Simić's art lies not least in his talent for the lapidary. "

- Germany radio

"Roman Simić has a wonderful language [...] a little treasure."

- MDR Sputnik

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