Roach vireo

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Roach vireo
Vireo olivaceus -Madison -Wisconsin -USA-8.jpg

Roach vireo ( Vireo olivaceus )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Corvoidea
Family : Vireos (Vireonidae)
Genre : Actual Vireos ( Vireo )
Type : Roach vireo
Scientific name
Vireo olivaceus
( Linnaeus , 1766)

The roach vireo ( Vireo olivaceus ) is an American songbird in the vireo family . Two subspecies, including the nominate form, occur in North America, about ten more subspecies live in Central and South America. It is one of the most common forest bird species in North America. According to the Guinness Book of Records , it is the bird that sings most of the different songs, sometimes over 2,000 different songs per hour.

The roach vireo is a rare guest bird in Europe. However, since the 1970s it has been recorded annually in Great Britain and Ireland and is the most common Nearctic songbird species to be observed there. In Central Europe he is an exceptional guest who has only been proven a few times so far.


The 12.5 cm long red-eye vireo has a light gray crown, a slightly darker back, a white over-eye stripe, a white underside, a dark eye stripe and distinctive red eyes.

The call consists of a two to three syllable chi-wit . The singing consists of a series of short stanzas and is a chirping chiwiwi, chirrtschirr .


Roach vireo's nest

The roach vireo is a nearctic and neotropically widespread breeding bird of the boreal, nemoral and subtropical zones from North America to the middle of South America.

The bird breeds in forests and sparse woodlands in much of Canada and the United States . To hibernate, he moves south to Uruguay .


The roach vireo hides in the treetops, but catches the eye with its song during the breeding season. In autumn and winter the bird feeds on fruits and berries, during most of the year mainly on insects.


Vireo olivaceus CT.jpg

The nest is an intricately woven structure made of plant materials and cobwebs, which is padded with animal hair and grass and hung on a branch. The clutch comprises one to five eggs. The roach vireo suffers from brood parasitism from the brown-headed cowbird and the blackbird .

supporting documents


  • Colin Harrison & Alan Greensmith: Birds. Dorling Kindersley Limited, London 1993, 2000, ISBN 3-8310-0785-3 .
  • Bryan Richard: Birds. Parragon, Bath, ISBN 1-4054-5506-3 .
  • Hans-Günther Bauer, Einhard Bezzel and Wolfgang Fiedler (eds.): The compendium of birds in Central Europe: Everything about biology, endangerment and protection. Volume 2: Passeriformes - passerine birds. Aula-Verlag Wiebelsheim, Wiesbaden 2005, ISBN 3-89104-648-0 .

Web links

Commons : Rotaugenvireo  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Single receipts

  1. Guinness World Records 2011, p. 63
  2. Bauer et al., P. 24