Red-legged spider ant

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Red-legged spider ant
Red-legged spider ant (Smicromyrme rufipes), female

Red-legged spider ant ( Smicromyrme rufipes ), female

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Vespoidea
Family : Ant wasps (Mutillidae)
Subfamily : Mutillinae
Genre : Smicromyrme
Type : Red-legged spider ant
Scientific name
Smicromyrme rufipes
( Fabricius , 1787)

The red-legged spider Ant ( Smicromyrme rufipes ) is a Hymenoptera from the family of velvet ants (Mutillidae).


The animals reach a body length of three to eight millimeters (females) or four to ten millimeters (males). The head and abdomen are black, while the thorax is usually red in color. The front part of the thorax is colored either red or black. In contrast to the males, the females are brachypter (wingless). The female's pygidial field is completely striped lengthways. The males have a two-toothed tip of the mandible and a lateral felt furrow on the second sternite . The species can easily be confused with the other species in the genus. The species can be distinguished from Myrmosa atra by the first tergite , which is colored red in the similar species.


The species is widespread in Europe, east to Central Asia. It populates sandy habitats with favorable temperatures, but is also found occasionally on grasslands , in vineyards or on loess walls. The animals occur from late May to early October. They can be found widespread in Central Europe.

Way of life

The red-legged spider ant parasitizes the larvae of various digger wasps nesting in the ground . The females are very good runners and when there is danger they hide in the sand or in the vegetation and pretend to be dead. The males fly close to the ground in search of females.



  • Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .

Web links

Commons : Smicromyrme rufipes  - collection of images, videos and audio files