Red-billed ground cuckoo

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Red-billed ground cuckoo
Red-billed ground cuckoo (Neomorphus pucheranii)

Red-billed ground cuckoo ( Neomorphus pucheranii )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Cuckoo birds (Cuculiformes)
Family : Cuckoos (Cuculidae)
Subfamily : Ground Cuckoo (Neomorphinae)
Genre : Neomorphus
Type : Red-billed ground cuckoo
Scientific name
Neomorphus pucheranii
( Deville , 1851)

The red-billed ground cuckoo ( Neomorphus pucheranii ) is a cuckoo species of the Neotropics . The species includes the two subspecies N. p. pucheranii ( Deville , 1851) and N. p. lepidophanes ( Todd , 1925).


The red-billed ground cuckoo is a large species of cuckoo that grows to around 50 cm. There is no such thing as gender dimorphism . The noticeably large hood of the nominate form is shiny blue-black to purple, the forehead is brown. The wings appear red-brown to black-purple shimmering, the control feathers shimmering chestnut brown to olive-green. The breast plumage and the head are pale gray and appear scalyed by black feather tips. A black ring separates the light gray to brownish colored belly and chest plumage. There is a featherless red ring around the eye and a blue featherless area behind the eye. The beak is strikingly red in color, the tip of the beak yellow to green. The subspecies N. p. lepidophanes differs from the nominate form by a black instead of brown forehead and a gray-black-scaly belly.

distribution and habitat

The red-billed ground cuckoo lives in tropical rainforests . He prefers higher-lying, non-seasonally flooded areas such as. B. Terra Firme Forests . The distribution area of ​​the nominate form extends north of the Amazon from Peru and western Brazil to the east of Ecuador and the south-east of Colombia . The distribution area of ​​the subspecies N. p. lepidophanes joins it south of the Amazon in Peru and western Brazil. Due to its large distribution area, the IUCN does not consider the red-billed ground cuckoo to be endangered.

Way of life

The red-billed ground cuckoo moves like other members of the genus Neomorphus mostly on the ground. It follows wandering ants , umbilical pigs and tamarins to eat startled prey or fallen fruit. The main food is insects and fruits. The cuckoo is not a breeding parasite . Little is known about the species due to the way the cuckoos live on the ground in dense rainforests and the resulting difficulty in observing them; further research is required.


  • Johannes Erritzøe , Clive F. Mann, Frederik Brammer, Richard A. Fuller: Cuckoos of the World (Helm Identification Guides) . Christopher Helm Publishers Ltd, London 2012, ISBN 978-071-366-034-0 .
  • Robert B. Payne: The Cuckoos (Bird Families of the World No. 15). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, ISBN 0-19-850213-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Erritzoe et al. P. 137
  2. neomorphus pucheranii in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2013. Posted by: BirdLife International, 2012. Accessed September 28, 2013.

Web links

Commons : Rotschnabel-Grundkuckuck ( Neomorphus pucheranii )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files