Rotterdam school

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Rotterdam School ( Dutch Rotterdamse School ) refers to a group of Rotterdam composers.

The members of the “Rotterdam School” are not linked by a common style or aesthetic; therefore one cannot speak of a “school” in the traditional sense. The term “Rotterdam School” goes back to Otto Ketting ; The connection between these composers was created primarily through the colloquia led by Peter-Jan Wagemans and Klaas de Vries at the Rotterdam Music Academy, in which the composers put their compositions and aesthetic positions up for discussion. The “Rotterdam School” had its own concert series in the Rotterdam Lantaren / Venster theater from the beginning of the 1990s to 2008, in which primarily premieres were presented.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Emile Wennekes, 'Rotterdamse muziek: idioom of ideaal?', Ons Erfdeel. Vlaams-Nederlands cultureel tijdschrift. 49/1, February 2003.