Charlotte Hilmer

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Charlotte Hilmer (born May 4, 1909 in Hamburg ; † May 7, 1958 there ) was a German painter and graphic artist .


Gravestone in
the women's garden

Hilmer was born in Hamburg in 1909. After graduating from high school in Easter 1928 at the Richard Wagner School in Hamburg, she studied at the Landeskunstschule Hamburg until 1929. From 1929 to 1930 she studied at the Art Academy in Königsberg , then from 1930 to 1933 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart . There Anton Kolig - who worked in Vienna in the vicinity of Oskar Kokoschka - influenced her. At the art schools she occupied herself almost exclusively with nude studies . Then she switched her interest to portraits , portraits and still lifes . After 1941, natural landscapes in watercolor and oil were added, which eventually dominated her work. Between 1950 and 1958 she made several study trips to Denmark , the Netherlands and Italy , developing her style based on Expressionism . She died in Hamburg in 1958.

Hilmer's works can be found in the Hamburger Kunsthalle , the Märkisches Museum in Witten and in various private collections.
Charlotte Hilmer's tombstone is in the women's garden at the Ohlsdorf cemetery in Hamburg.

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