Rozumna Sila

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Rozumna Sila
Розумна Сила
Розумна сила (політична партія) .png
Party leader Oleksandr Solovyov
founding 22nd January 2016
Alignment Ukrainocentrism with non-aligned status

Meaningful Power ( Ukrainian Розумна сила Rozumna Syla ) is a Ukrainian political party that was founded on January 22, 2016. The party leader is Oleksandr Solovyov. The party consists of 26 regional and over 600 local (cities and districts) organizations. The party members are more than 20 thousand Ukrainian citizens. After the elections in December 2016 and August 2017, she is represented on 16 community boards.

The party declared its moderate broad-based foreign policy of neutrality and non-aligned status. According to party priorities, the fight against corruption, the development of small and medium-sized businesses through tax exemptions and reforms, tourism, energy and environmental development are effective tools to achieve a peaceful and prosperous life for every Ukrainian.


June 2016 - the establishment of the political party.

October 1, 2016, Kiev - the founding congress with 250 delegates from all regions of Ukraine will take place.

October 2016 - the party leader signed the memorandum of cooperation with the party "Ukraine Slavett" and established the safeguarding of the territorial integrity of Ukraine as the main priority of the party.

October 31, 2016, Kiev - the second party congress to decide on the party's participation in local elections takes place in the united congregations.

December 14, 2016 - the memorandum of cooperation with the party "Union. Chernobyl Ukraine".

September 2018 - the presentation of the peace initiative. "The People's Peace Declaration" to stop the war in Donbass is signed by the civil lists in the uncontrolled Donbass territories. More than 200,000 signatures were collected in support of the Popular Peace Declaration in October. In November the number of signatures doubled (500,000).


Party leader

The party leader is Oleksandr Soloviev, colonel of the police in the camp. He worked in the executive bodies for more than 20 years.

The party's deputy chairman is Oleksandr Savchenko, manager, business consultant and expert.

The deputy chairwoman, chairwoman of the non-profit foundation is Anna Lewtschuk, lawyer .

List places

Top ten

First and Last Name
1 Oleksandr Solovyov
2 Oleksandr Savchenko
3 Anna Levchuk
4th Hrehorij Mamka
5 Serhiy Panadiy
6th Kateryna Samojluk
7th Adrij Bodrow
8th Volodymyr Puzakov
9 Oleksiy Lubchenko



The game declares the foreign policy of neutrality : Ukraine should become the center of the balance between the geopolitical vectors. “Meaningful power” stands for the principle, consistent and permanent safeguarding of the national interests of the country.

The values ​​advocated by the party are family, religion, social stability, mutual responsibility of citizens and the state, respect for human rights. The main focus of ideas is the rule of law, state discipline and order to strengthen.


  1. Resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine .
  2. Establishment of the welfare state .
  3. Broad non-aligned foreign policy.
  4. Modernization of the political system.
  5. Inevitability of punishing corruption crimes .


Local elections in the united parishes

December 2016: two deputies selected in Pavlovsk and two in Litovezh parishes, Volyn Oblast; two in Bezdrytska Sumy Oblast; three in Solodar, Bakhmut District of Donetsk Oblast, three in Chmyrivka Municipal Council, Luhansk Oblast.

May 2017: a deputate was elected to the Zabrodowsky parish council of the united parish in Volyn Oblast.

October 2017: three deputies were selected to the Lubomlsk city administration.

Financial reports

In 2017 the party got 1 mil. 366 thousand hryvnia contributions. 1,264 mil. it was given by individuals, mainly by the deputy chairman of the party Oleksandr Savchenko. 102 thousand came from legal entities .

The party's spending in 2017 was 1,363 million. Hryvnia, including 616 thousand for renting the premises, 184 thousand for party events, 390 thousand for the maintenance of regional branches, 130 thousand for the legal profession.

Social activities

The party founded the charitable foundation "Meaningful Power". It implements projects in the areas of education and sport for orphans, half-orphans and children from large and low-income families. It organizes sporting championships and tournaments, finances the participation of children in competitions. In addition, the foundation provides free legal assistance to the entrepreneurs.

The party initiated the discussion rounds : “Ukrainian Foreign Policy Status: Present and Future”, “Problems of Reforming Local Police and Public Prosecutor's Seats”, “Starting Strategies from the Socio-Economic Crisis”, “Educational Reform: Innovation or Degradation”. The results of the discussions were presented in the resolutions sent to the relevant ministries .

The party is the co-organizer of the Forum of National Minorities of Ukraine (November 20, 2017). The forum was initiated to enable the representatives of the national minorities to share their visions on current social issues, such as the language problem in relation to the Ukrainian Education Act, the effective integration of the national minorities into the Ukrainian society and their participation in the authorities and local administrations, to bring to the public. The forum was destroyed by the radical nationalists .

On the 26th anniversary of Ukrainian independence, the party initiated a nationwide ecological initiative “Planting a Tree”. As a result, 26,000 trees were planted. The funding was limited in time and has continued until now.


In early October 2018, the Werkhovna Rada Deputat of the Popular Front political party Yuri Bereza accused the party of anti-Ukrainian activities. The next day, there was information in the media that Yuri Bereza was supposed to get the money from several political parties to retrieve her from the Verkhovna Rada Tribune and that “Meaningful Power” allegedly paid $ 1500 for naming the party in the speech should.

In 2018, the party was accused of pro-Kremlin positions by the nationalists. The party was also blamed for manipulating the audience through the pledge of peace without military action in support of Russian ideas.

The analyst of the Center for Social Research Marija Kucherenko claimed that “Meaningful Power” should not be a political party, but a political project. She accused the party of expressing opinions against national integrity, spreading the idea of ​​civil war in eastern Ukraine.


In May 2018, Boris Herman, the suspect of killing Russian journalist Arkady Babcheko, told the court that he was working with Ukrainian counterintelligence and uncovering Russian agents. According to him, Putin's “Meaningful Power” party should be privately financed. This accusation prompted the Ukraine Security Service to search party offices across the country and ask their chairpersons.

On August 1, 2018, the Ukraine Security Service searched the party headquarters, chairman residences and regional offices. The Shevchenko District Court in Kiev said the investigators' actions were illegal.

The party's press service denied allegations of Russian funding, calling them absurd. The National Corruption Prevention Agency's two annual inspections revealed no legal violations. Therefore, according to the Ukrainska Pravda investigation, no direct links to Russian funding were found in public sources.

On November 20, 2017, two unknown people in dark clothing and camouflage broke into the forum of national minorities hosted by the party in Kiev. Participation in the attack was attributed to the ultra-right activist of the political party " Svoboda ". According to the organizers, party members threatened to interrupt the organization of the event several times. In return, the Svoboda branch in Kiev described the forum of national minorities as "a separatist Sabbath".

On July 6, 2018, representatives of the right-wing radical organization “C14” beat the deputy chairman of the party Oleksandr Savchenko in Kiev.

On September 26, 2018, right-wing extremists broke into the party's office in Pokrovsky and destroyed it. These facts were captured and passed on to the PACE report.

Interesting facts

In September 2018, the party delegation led by Oleksandr Solowjow met with the deputies of the German and European Parliaments in the Bundestag . The party delegation presented their peace initiative.

The deputies of the Bundestag expressed their willingness to support if necessary and invited the "Meaningful Force" members to present their position at PACE.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Політичні партії . Retrieved November 25, 2018.
  2. В Україні про себе заявила нова політична партія “Розумна сила” (uk-UA) . In: Інформаційне агентство Українські Національні Новини (УНН). Всі онлайн новини дня в Україні за сьогодні - найсвіжіші, останні, головні. . Accessed December 1, 2018. 
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