Rubem César Fernandes

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Rubem César Fernandes (born May 25, 1943 ) is a Brazilian philosopher and writer . He is the founder of the non-governmental organizations Iser (Instituto de Estudos da Religião) and Viva Rio, which work to improve the situation in his country and in his hometown, Rio de Janeiro .


At the time of the beginning military dictatorship (1964–1985), César Fernandes belonged to the student movement directed against this . He studied at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and, alongside well-known figures such as Joel Rufino dos Santos or Nelson Werneck Sodré, was one of the authors of a História Nova do Brasil (1964), which brought him several lawsuits and finally, like his colleagues, he emigrated in 1965 force.

César Fernandes graduated in philosophy from the University of Warsaw and also lived briefly in Switzerland and France. He received his PhD on a topic from social history at Columbia University in New York .

The reason for his return to Brazil in 1976 was that his father was shot in the head by robbers who broke into his home. He risked arrest, but feared for the life of his father, who had survived but was in a coma for a long time.

Shocked by the everyday violence in Rio, he founded the NGO Viva Rio in 1993 with the aim of restricting the use of weapons in the city. Viva Rio succeeded in convincing a considerable percentage of the gun carriers in the favelas to surrender their weapons and thus significantly reduced the murder rate in the city.

In 2014 Rubem César Fernandes was awarded the Hessian Peace Prize.

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