Rudi Schmiede

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Rudi Schmiede (born April 18, 1946 in Darmstadt ) is a German sociologist who researches the relationship between work, technology, organization and society. Until 2011 he was Professor of Sociology at the Technical University of Darmstadt .

Scientific career

1965–1972 Schmiede studied sociology , social psychology , political science and economics in Frankfurt a. Main , Mainz and at the London School of Economics and Political Science . He was a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation . In 1972 he completed his studies with a diploma in sociology at the University of Frankfurt a. Main off.

In 1977 he was with a thesis on the historical development of work organization and performance-related pay in German industry doctorate .

In 1984 he received his habilitation in sociology with studies on trade unions and wage dynamics.

1972–1987 Schmiede worked as a research assistant, from 1985 as a Heisenberg scholarship holder at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt am Main; There he carried out empirical, historical and theoretical studies on the various aspects of the relationship between work, technology, organization, economy and society (development of working conditions, work organization and technology, industrial relations and trade union theory, wage dynamics and forms of pay, working time problems, labor market developments and employment structures )

In 2005 Schmiede was a visiting fellow at the University of California, Irvine , at the Center for Research in Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO)

In 1987 Schmiede was appointed professor of sociology at the TH Darmstadt (later TU Darmstadt). His specialty was work, technology and society.

His main areas of work were:

  • Social dimensions and design of information and communication technologies
  • Historical development of work, work in the information society
  • Socio-structural development tendencies of modern societies
  • Theories of computerization and the knowledge society
  • Digital libraries and integrated scientific information and knowledge systems

Schmiede retired in autumn 2011.

Scientific work

Rudi Schmiede's research focuses on the long-term social changes and upheavals associated with the structural change in the economy and society under the influence of formalization , information technology and the knowledge economy ; for playing information and communication technologies a special role. It focuses on several research goals:

  • The investigation of the emergence and the main features of the “information” or “ knowledge society ”, in particular current processes of informatization and the knowledge economy, taking into account their historical development
  • The analysis of changes in work and organization in the course of the computerization of all areas of society
  • The consideration of the development of information technology and information systems as technologies as well as their importance for the changes of organization and cooperation
  • Dealing with changes in the position of the individual in society in the course of the establishment of the "information" or "knowledge society"

In all of these research areas, he is not only concerned with the theoretical and empirical analysis of development trends, but also with influencing and contributing to this development in terms of the use of existing scope in business, society and politics.

Institutional and Political Activities

Schmiede held numerous functions in academic self-government. I.a. In 1992/93 and 2009–2011 he was dean and 2001–2005 vice dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences, 1993–1997 spokesman for the professors' group of the Democratic University and 1997–1999 vice president of the Technical University of Darmstadt. He worked for many years in the Senate, in various committees and working groups at the TH / TU Darmstadt. From 1997 to 2000 he was chairman of the GLOBAL INFO Consortium (BMBF, DFG, scientific societies, publishers, libraries) and overall program director of the BMBF funding priority GLOBAL INFO for scientific specialist information. Between 1999 and 2005 he was a member of the Advisory Board of the European DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries.

He was the Organization Chair of the European Conference on Digital Libraries in Darmstadt in 2001, where he held numerous functions in program committees. Between 1996 and 2007 he was the deputy spokesman for the interdisciplinary graduate colleges “Technology and Society” and “Infrastructure for the Electronic Market” at the TU Darmstadt, 2006–2015 co-applicant and member of the interdisciplinary graduate college “Topology of Technology” at the TU Darmstadt and 2012– 2016 employee in the core group and financial rapporteur of the EU-COST network "The Dynamics of Virtual Work".


  • German Society for Sociology
  • Section of Work and Industrial Sociology in the German Society for Sociology (Speaker 1986–1990)
  • German Association for Social Science Labor Market Research (SAMF board member 1986–1997, spokesperson from 1995)
  • Society for computer science
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE
  • DeputyChair Technical Committee of the IEEE on Digital Libraries
  • Member of the editorial board of the International Journal on Digital Libraries

Fonts (selection)


  • Rudi Schmiede: Basic problems of Marx's accumulation and crisis theory (=  social science paperbacks ). Athenäum-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 1973, ISBN 978-3-7610-5873-2 .
  • Rudi Schmiede, Edwin Schudlich: The development of performance pay in Germany. A historical-theoretical study of the relationship between wages and performance under capitalist production conditions, research reports from the Institute for Social Research . 1st edition 1976, Frankfurt / Main (=  research reports of the Institute for Social Research Frankfurt am Main. ). 4th edition. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main, New York 1981, ISBN 978-3-921096-68-0 .
  • Friedrich Buttler, Knut Gerlach, Rudi Schmiede (eds.): Labor market and employment. Newer contributions to institutionalistic labor market analysis (=  social science labor market research . Volume 14 ). Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main, New York 1987, ISBN 978-3-593-33799-9 .
  • Rudi Schmiede (ed.): Virtual working worlds. Work, production and subject in the “information society” . Preface by Rudi Schmiede, pp. 7-14. edition sigma, Berlin 1996, ISBN 978-3-89404-424-4 .
  • Andrea Baukrowitz, Thomas Berker, Andreas Boes, Sabine Pfeiffer, Rudi Schmiede, Mascha Will-Zocholl (eds.): Informatization of work - society in transition . edition sigma, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-89404-547-0 .
  • Alexandra Manzei, Rudi Schmiede (eds.): 20 years of competition in the health sector - theoretical and empirical analyzes for the economization of medicine and care (=  health and society ). Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-658-02701-8 .
  • Rudi Schmiede: Work in Computerized Capitalism - Essays 1976-2015 (=  Edition sigma ). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 978-3-8452-7128-6 .

Publication of the series “Darmstädter Studies on Work, Technology and Society”, Aachen: Shaker-Verlag, 15 volumes so far


  • Rudi Schmiede / David Yaffe: State expenditure and the Marxian crisis theory, in: Volkhard Brandes (ed.), Handbook 1: Perspektiven des Kapitalismus, Frankfurt / Main, Cologne 1974, pp. 36-70
  • Rudi Schmiede: The German “economic miracle”, in: Die Linke im Rechtsstaat, Vol. 1: Conditions for socialist politics 1945–1965, Berlin / West 1976, pp. 107-138
  • Rudi Schmiede: The end of the West German economic miracle 1966–1977, in: Die Linke im Rechtsstaat, Vol. 2: Conditions of socialist politics 1965 to today, Berlin / West 1979, pp. 34-78
  • Rudi Schmiede: Taylorism, Time Economy and Capital Exploitation in the Development of German Capitalism, in: Bettina Wassmann / Joachim Müller (eds.), L'Invitation au Voyage zu Alfred Sohn-Rethel (Festschrift for his 80th birthday), Bremen 1979, pp . 1–27 (separate stitching)
  • Rudi Schmiede: Rationalization and Real Subsumption. Reflections on the work of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research 1970 to 1980, in: Leviathan, Jg. 8 (1980), Heft 4 (March 1981), pp. 472-497
  • Rudi Schmiede: Abstract work and automation. On the relationship between industrial sociology and social theory, in: Leviathan, Jg. 11 (1983), Heft 1, pp. 55-78
  • Rudi Schmiede: Real subsumption as a social-theoretical category, in: Wilhelm Schumm (ed.), On the development dynamics of modern capitalism. Contributions to social theory, industrial sociology and trade union research. Symposium for Gerhard Brandt, Frankfurt / Main, New York (Campus) 1988, pp. 21-38
  • Rudi Schmiede: Informatization and social work. Structural changes in work and society, in: Rudi Schmiede (Hrsg.): Virtual working worlds. Work, Production and Subject in the “Information Society”, Berlin (edition sigma) 1996, pp. 107-128
  • Rudi Schmiede: Informatization, formalization and capitalist mode of production - the emergence of information technology and change in social work, in: Rudi Schmiede (ed.): Virtual working worlds. Work, Production and Subject in the “Information Society”, Berlin (edition sigma) 1996, pp. 15-47
  • Rudi Schmiede: Informatization and subjectivity, in: Wilfried Konrad / Wilhelm Schumm (eds.): Knowledge and work. New contours of knowledge work, Münster / Westf .: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 1999, pp. 134-151
  • Rudi Schmiede: Digital Library Activities in Germany. The German Digital Library Program GLOBAL INFO, in: IEEE Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries. IEEE ADL ´99, Proceedings, May 19-21, 1999, Baltimore, MD, pp. 73-83
  • Wolfgang Meier / Natascha Schumann / Sue Heise / Rudi Schmiede: SozioNet: Networking Social Science Resources, in: Traugott Koch / Ingeborg Torvik SÆlvberg (eds.): Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003, Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003. Proceedings, Berlin etc .: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2769, pp. 245-256
  • Rudi Schmiede: Scientific Work and the Usage of Digital Scientific Information - Some Notes on Structures, Discrepancies, Tendencies, and Strategies, in: Matthias Hemmje / Claudia Niederee / Thomas Risse (Hrsg.): From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments. Essays Dedicated to Erich J. Neuhold on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York: Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3379, 2005, pp. 107-116
  • Rudi Schmiede: Knowledge and Work in "Informational Capitalism", in: Andrea Baukrowitz / Thomas Berker / Andreas Boes / Sabine Pfeiffer / Rudi Schmiede / Mascha Will (eds.): Informatization of Work - Society in Transition, Berlin: edition sigma, 2006 , pp. 455-488
  • Rudi Schmiede / Natascha Schumann / Wolfgang Meier: The social science web information system SozioNet, in: Rehberg, Karl-Siegbert (Ed.): Social inequality, cultural differences: Negotiations of the 32nd Congress of the German Society for Sociology in Munich. Partial floor. 1 and 2, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2006, pp. 3495-3506
  • Rudi Schmiede: Upgrading Academic Scholarship - Challenges and Chances of the Digital Age, in: Library Hi Tech (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.) Vol. 27 No. 4, 2009, pp. 624–633 (special issue: “Upgrading the eLibrary: enhanced information services driven by technology and economics”, Proceedings of the 9th International Bielefeld Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, 3-5 February 2009, theme editors: Michael Höppner, Wolfram Horstmann and Sabine Rahmsdorf)
  • Rudi Schmiede / Christian Schilcher: Work and Industrial Sociology, in: Georg Kneer / Markus Schroer (eds.): Handbuch Spezial Sociologies, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2010, pp. 11–35 (accessible at: urn: nbn: de: 0168-ssoar-256213 )
  • Rudi Schmiede / Mascha Will-Zocholl: Engineers' Work on the Move. Challenges in Auto mobile Engineering in a Globalized World, in: Engineering Studies. Journal of the International Network for Engineering Studies, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group); special issue on "Engineering and the Workplace", 2011, pp. 1-21
  • Rudi Schmiede: Does work make you depressed? Mental illnesses in flexible capitalism, in: Cornelia Koppetsch (Hrsg.): The inner worlds of capitalism. On the transformation of modern subjectivity, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011, pp. 113–138 (accessible at: )
  • Rudi Schmiede: Information Society, in: Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen / Heiner Minssen (Ed.): Lexicon of Work and Industrial Sociology, Berlin: edition sigma 2013, pp. 285–290 (see; (accessible at: )
  • Rudi Schmiede: Homo faber digitalis? On the dialectic of technical progress and work organization, in: Mittelweg 36th Journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Vol. 24 H. 6, Dec. 2015 / January 2016, pp. 37–58 (accessible at: )
  • Rudi Schmiede: Information Society [updated version], in: Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen / Heiner Minssen (ed.): Lexicon of Work and Industrial Sociology, 2nd edition. Baden-Baden: Nomos / edition sigma 2017, pp. 187-190
  • Rizwana Yousaf / Rudi Schmiede: Barriers to women's underrepresentation in academic excellence and positions of power, in: Asian Journal of German and European Studies, 2017, 2: 2, 13 pp. (accessible at: 10.1186 / s40856-017-0013-6)
  • Rudi Schmiede: The recognition of the humanities and social sciences at the TH / TU Darmstadt, in: Christof Dipper / Manfred Efinger / Isabel Schmidt / Dieter Schott (eds.): Epoch threshold in science. Contributions to 140 years of TH / TU Darmstadt (1877–2017), Darmstadt: Justus von Liebig Verlag, 2017, pp. 207–217 [accessible at: ]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Scientific activities. TU-Darmstadt, Department of Sociology and Organizational Sociology, accessed on March 19, 2017 .
  2. Prof. Dr. Rudi Schmiede, professorship i. R. for work, technology and society. TU-Darmstadt, Department of Sociology and Organizational Sociology, accessed on March 19, 2017 .