Rudi Stieglitz

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Rudolf "Referend Rude" Stieglitz (born March 18, 1952 in Munich , † July 23, 2006 in Regensburg ; full name Rudolf Stieglitz-Halden ) was a German musician.


Rudolf Stieglitz was born the son of a Munich meat manufacturer and first learned the butcher's trade in order to later take over the family business. Stieglitz's real interest was not in the butcher's shop, but in music. In the late sixties and early seventies he hung around the clubs in Munich until late at night, to see cult bands like Tangerine Dream and other avant-garde and rock bands of the time. Of course, his nightlife was not compatible with his job, so he tried to drive away the constant lack of sleep and the traces of nightlife with stimulants.

In his early twenties, Rudolf Stieglitz pulled the emergency brake to break the vicious circle of drugs, pressure from home and unfulfilled musicians' dreams. A friend put him in contact with the Jerusalem Conservatory of Music and thus gave the decisive turning point in his life. Since then, Rudolf Stieglitz has dedicated himself to music, moved in the circles of bands such as Amon Düül and Embryo , traveled the world and, at the end of his musician life, returned musically to his Bavarian roots. Demanding blues , rock and jazz performed in Bavarian dialect should now determine his musical work. In addition, Stieglitz tried to create a forum for the alternative Bavarian music scene. The Stadtamhofer dialect festival and the festival in Waldmünchen go back to his initiative. As the 1st chairman of the Mundart-Ageh , Rudolf Stieglitz (together with co-founder and vice-boss Andreas Hanauer aka AJB Hangover ) campaigned intensively for the interests of Bavarian dialect music, promoting it and thus providing a platform for young talents, bands and dialect artists Appearances and cultural exchange created.

Most recently, Rudolf Stieglitz was active as a musician and band leader with the Wildenberger Schlosskapelle. His last album Alleluja was released in 2005. His son Dan Halden was also a member of the Wildenberger Schlosskapelle as a guitarist and composer and participated in the album. The live double CD S'Lebn so short and yet so long was released posthumously.

In addition to his involvement in the Mundart-Ageh, Rudolf Stieglitz was also active in the Regensburger Drogenhilfe DrugStop eV to support the fight against drugs there.

Rudolf Stieglitz died on July 23, 2006 in the hospital of the Barmherzigen Brüder in Regensburg as a result of a brain hemorrhage .

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