Rudolf Rojahn

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Rudolf Rojahn (born October 13, 1875 in Nauke in the district of Oels , † June 24, 1929 in the Wölfelsgrund sanatorium ) was a German administrative lawyer and manor owner.


Rojahn was a son of the manor owner Rudolf Rojahn from Naucke. He first studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . In 1895 he became a member of the Corps Vandalia Heidelberg . When he was inactive , he moved to his native Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University in Breslau . In 1899 he passed the trainee examination. In 1902 he became a government trainee in Opole , in 1905 a government assessor for the district administrator of the Uelzen district . In 1907 he was assigned to the Prussian settlement commission in Posen . In 1908 he took a leave of absence to take over the management of the Nieder-Wabnitz manor near Bernstadt in Silesia . In 1911 he was passed with an appointment to the government council. During the First World War in 1914, he was initially entrusted with the administration of the district office in the Oels district . He was appointed district administrator in 1916. In 1918, he finally resigned from civil service. In 1921 he was followed by Hans Unckell as district administrator .


  • The members of Vandalia zu Heidelberg as of September 29, 1935 . Berlin 1935, p. 222.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 68/640.
  2. ^ Oels district (
  3. Unckel († 1944) was a Rhenane from Freiburg; Kösener corps lists 1960, 35/716.