Rudolf Ziegenhagen

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Rudolf Ziegenhagen (* 1895 ; † 1949 ) was a German bookseller. He was a councilor communist and active in the resistance against National Socialism in Berlin .


Ziegenhagen had been a member of the General Workers 'Union (AAU) since 1920 , which he defined as a "political - economic workers' organization ". This radical left, but non- Leninist association relied on direct action by wage earners. It rejected the state and the political parties and also the bureaucratized trade unions. It had few members. She published her propaganda material in Ziegenhagen's bookstore. After the fire in the Reichstag , the organization went underground. Ziegenhagen organized the printing and distribution of illegal publications such as "Marx - Memorial Booklet" and "The Sieger von heute, die Sieger von Tomorrow" , which were produced in an edition of 400 - 500 copies, as well as the magazine "Die Fackel" . The group was discovered by an informer and Ziegenhagen and two helpers were arrested on June 1, 1933. The Supreme Court sentenced Ziegenhagen on 30 January 1934, two years and nine months in prison, his co-defendants Albert Kohn and Hedwig Zindel received shorter prison terms. They were of Jewish faith and were expelled to Czechoslovakia as foreign nationals after the end of their imprisonment. After his imprisonment, Ziegenhagen was first taken to the Lichtenburg concentration camp and then under police supervision.

He was drafted into a minesweeping flotilla of the Navy in August 1939 and was taken prisoner of war in May 1945. In mid-1946 he returned to Berlin and worked as a commercial clerk at AEG in Wedding until his death in 1949 .

Ziegenhagen is in the novel with fire. Kappe's 14th case mentioned by Horst Bosetzky .


Individual evidence

  1. Philippe Bourrinet: Lexicon of German Council Communism 1920-1960 , Paris, July 1, 2017, Verlag moto proprio, 我 的 摩托车 出版社, p. 268
  2. Sandvoss 2007, p. 211
  3. ^ Resistance in Kreuzberg , series of publications by the German Resistance Memorial Center , p. 83 ff.
  4. Horst Bosetzky: With fiery zeal: Kappe's 14th case. Detective novel