Rudolf of Pelargus

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Rudolf Oskar Wladimir (von) Pelargus (born September 10, 1853 in Schuscha ( Transcaucasia , Russian Empire ), † December 25, 1923 ) was President of the Senate at the Imperial Court .


He was the son of the businessman Gustav Pelargus from Stuttgart and Natalie Walling from Baltischport . After attending grammar school in Stuttgart, he studied law in Tübingen. The Württemberg resident took his oath of office on the sovereign in 1874 and became a trainee lawyer. In 1879 he was magistrate and in 1883 district judge in Ellwangen. In 1891 he was promoted to the district judge in Heilbronn. In 1898 he became a higher regional judge in Stuttgart. In 1899 he came to the Imperial Court, initially in the VI. Civil Senate of the Imperial Court . From 1900 he was a member of the 1st Penal Senate . In 1910 he was appointed President of the III. Criminal senate . He leads the process against the Kapp putschist v. Jagow : " The negotiator, Mr. v. Pelargus, was at times completely out of the question. Twice he had not followed the statements of the defense attorney enough to realize that they had put a question to him. Then again Mr. Pelargus asked a witness whether Kapp had spoken to him of his treasonable intentions as early as 1917. As early as 1917! ". He had to retire on December 1, 1923.


  • The right of inheritance of the Civil Code for the German Empire: A manual and reference book for everyone, Stuttgart, 1899 ( digitized version of the MPIER ).


  • Adolf Lobe: Fifty Years of the Reich Court on October 1, 1929 . Berlin 1929, p. 345.
  • Herrmann AL Degener : “Degener's who is it? ", VIII. Edition, Berlin 1922, p. 1159.

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Bauer: " After the Leipzig Fehlspruch ", Die Weltbühne from January 5, 1922, p. 24 .