Rui Marques (human rights activist)

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Rui Marques (born June 25, 1963 in Lisbon , Portugal ) is a Portuguese human rights activist and entrepreneur.


In 1989 Rui Marques graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lisbon and in 2004 obtained a Masters in Communication Sciences and Cultural Economics from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the Portuguese Catholic University . In 2017 he completed his doctorate in economic and organizational sociology at the ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management with the presentation of his dissertation “Problemas sociais complexos e governação integrada - Contributos para um modelo de governação integrada a partir de estudos de caso sobre o Centro Nacional de Apoio ao Imigrante ea Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens da Amadora ”.

As a student he worked regularly for Rádio Renascença in the editorial team of the religious program. In 1990 Marques became program director. He later also became program director for Kanal 1 and Renascença FM programs.

In 1991 Marques Rádio left Renascença, founded Foruntem Estuda magazine with friends and became its first director. The first edition was published in December 1991. At the same time, he promoted social and political initiatives such as the “ Mission Peace in Timor .” In 1992, Marques took the ferry Lusitânia Expresso with 150 activists off the coast of East Timor , which has been occupied by Indonesia since 1975, to draw attention to the fate of the former Portuguese colony. The Grupo Forum developed around the Foruntem Estuda with additional media products. So in 1995, the Multimédia Forum for the production of CD-ROMs, design, development and maintenance of Internet homepages and advice for the information society. In 2000 Marques worked at Terravista AS as administrator and managing director.

In August 2002, Marques was appointed Deputy High Commissioner for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities by the Portuguese government to help develop a reception policy and integrate immigrants. This was followed by the post of High Commissioner for Immigration and coordinator of the election program from 2005 to 2008. Marques has been the administrator of the Estudante Forum since 2008 and is currently also head of the Instituto Padre António Vieira (IPAV).

In 2012, Marques received the medal of the Ordem de Timor-Leste . He is also a Grand Officer of the Order of the Infante Dom Henrique .


Marques is married and has four children.


  • O Centro da Educação in Carneiro, Roberto (coord.), O futuro da educação em Portugal: tendências e oportunidades. To estudo de reflexão prospectiva , tomo IV. Lisboa, Ministério da Educação, 2000. ISBN 972-614-366-7 .
  • Uma mesa com lugar para todos: Para uma visão humanista da imigração . Lisbon, Instituto Padre António Vieira. ISBN 978-972-997210-2
  • Timor-Leste: O Agendamento mediático . Porto, Porto Editora, 2006. ISBN 978-972-0-45256-6
  • Esperança em Movimento. Porto, Porto Editora, 2009.
  • Nota de Abertura. Acreditar. Histórias de Entreajuda no combate ao Desemprego. Lisbon, Instituto Padre António Vieira, 2013.
  • Problemas Complexos e Governação Integrada. Lisbon, Instituto Padre António Vieira, 2014.
  • Nota de Abertura. Eu sou porque tu és. A história da Academia Ubun tu.Lisbon, Instituto Padre António Vieira, 2014.
  • Nota de Abertura . Atas da Conferência “Problemas sociais complexos: desafios e respostas”. Lisbon, Instituto Padre António Viera, 2015.
  • Governação Integrada e Administração Pública . Lisbon, INA Editora, 2015.
  • Nota de Abertura . Governação integrada: a experiência internacional e desafios para Portugal . Lisbon, Instituto Padre António Vieira, 2016.
  • Prefácio . Uma Esperança Mais Forte do que o Mar de Melissa Flemming, Porto, Porto Editora, 2017.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ACIME: Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural: Curriculum vitae de Rui Marques .
  2. ^ Timor-Leste: O Agendamento mediático , Porto Editora.
  3. Asia & the Pacific Policy Society: António Sampaio , accessed September 17, 2019.
  4. Despacho n.º 27344/2002 (2nd series), of December 30, 2002.
  5. Despacho n.º 20441/2005 (2nd série), September 2nd, 2005 and Despacho n.º 4158/2008 (2nd série), February 18th, 2008.
  6. Jornal da República: DECRETO PRESIDENTE 47/2012 , May 18, 2012 , accessed on September 23, 2019.
  7. Alvará n.º 22/2006 (2nd series), April 20, 2006.