Ruotger von Kerkow

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Ruotger von Kerkow (also Rüdiger, Rutger, Rudgar ) was Bishop of Brandenburg from 1241 to 1251 . He belonged to the Premonstratensian Order .


Rutger probably came from the von Kerkow family. His brother would then have been the knight Gerhard, who was named with him twice in documents. Rutger was Provost of Brandenburg and was elected as the new bishop on December 18 or 19, 1241, five days after the death of Bishop Gernand . He was consecrated by the Archbishop of Magdeburg, Wilbrand .

Hardly any actions from him have come down to us from his term of office, some papal documents report the oppression of the church and expressly protect the diocese. Rutger appeared several times in documents for the Lehnin monastery as a witness. Its last documented mention dates back to January 25, 1249. On this day he gave the monastery the right to raise the church tithe.

Rutger probably died on December 24, 1251.


He carried a pointed oval seal. In the seal area was the depiction of the standing bishop, who holds a cross staff in his right hand and a crook in his left hand. The inscription reads: † RVTCHERVS DEI GRA BRANDEBVRGNSIS EPC .




  1. No original name has come down to us from Rutger. But in 1249 a Gherardus was designated as the bishop's brother (Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis AX, p. 305, no. 46), and in 1242 a Gerardus de Kerkowe was mentioned with him in Lehnin (CDA X, p. 301, no. 36) , 1247 a Gerkinus de Kerchowe . This would mean that Gherardus from 1249 and Gerardus de Kerkowe from 1243 would be one and the same person, so Rutger would also have to come from the von Kerkow family.
  2. At the time of the election and his term of office see Christina Meckelnborg : Tractatus de urbe Brandenburg. The oldest evidence of Brandenburg history. Text analysis and edition. (= Writings of the State Historical Association for the Mark Brandenburg, New Series Vol. 7). Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2015. ISBN 978-3-86732-215-7 . P. 91
  3. The Brandenburger Bischofschronik reports in a newly found version that he was in office for 10 years and 6 days and died on December 24, 1200 (incorrect year), see Meckelnborg.
predecessor Office successor
Gernand Bishop of Brandenburg