Russian choral society

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The Russian Choral Society ( Russian Русское хоровое общество / Russkoye chorowoje obschtschestwo , scientific. Transliteration Russkoe chorovoe Obščestvo ; abbr. Russian Р. Х. О. / R. Ch O.. , Scientific transliteration. R. Ch O.. , Engl. Russian Choral Society ) was an association of lovers of choral music in Moscow . It was active from 1878 to 1915. Konstantin Karlowitsch Albrecht initiated the founding of the association.

There were up to 150 people in the choir. The Russian Choral Society performed at the concerts of the Russian Music Society and organized its own concerts every year. The choir's repertoire focused on a cappella singing. Mostly works by Russian composers were sung: Peter Tchaikovsky , AG Rubinstein , NA Rimsky-Korsakov , César Cui , Eduard Nápravník , SI Taneyev , AS Arensky , AT Gretschaninow , MM Ippolitow-Ivanov , AN Koreschtschenko , NN Tscherepnin ; from operas by MI Glinka , AS Dargomyschski , AN Serow , AP Borodin . Some works were performed by her for the first time.

From 1881 there were generally accessible choir classes within the Russian Choral Society (under the direction of WP Woidenow (1852–1904)), which trained teachers for choral singing and provided basic musical training. From 1882 to 1888 a clerical band was active under the direction of WS Orlow (1857-1907).

The first conductor of the company was Albrecht, after him these were: Arensky , Ippolitow-Ivanov , VI Safonow , SN Vasilenko , NS Golowanow . The composers Tchaikovsky , NG Rubinstein and Taneyev provided significant support for the Russian Choral Society . The society also published choral literature.

Between 1894 and 1898, the Moscow Conservatory and the Russian Choral Society were located at the Pushkin Museum .

Regarding the Russian concert life at the time of the 25th anniversary of the Russian Choral Society, the German magazine Die Musik ( Bernhard Schuster , ed.) Noted that the concert institutes maintained the specified program despite the unrest of the war and the social struggle:

"MOSCOW: [...] The Russian Choral Society could look back on 25 years of existence and on this occasion organized a gala concert under Safonoff . The artist couple Lhevinne (piano) played in the same concert . [...] "

References and footnotes

  1. a b c d Русское хоровое общество (Л. З. Корабельникова)
  2. Russian Войденов Василий Петрович , scientific transliteration Vojdenov Vasilij Petrovič - cf. Войденов Василий Петрович
  3. Russian Василий Сергеевич Орлов , scientific transliteration Vasilij Sergeevič Orlov
  4. Russian Николай Семёнович Голованов , scientific transliteration Nikolaj Semënovič Golovanov
  5. State AS Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow)
  6. The music . IV. Year 19, 1905, p. 72


  • Музыкальная энциклопедия [Music Encyclopedia] - Moscow: Советская энциклопедия, [Soviet Encyclopedia] 1973—1982

Web links

Russian Choral Society (alternative names of the lemma)
Russkoye chorovoye obschtschestvo; Russkoe chorovoe obščestvo; Russian Choral Society