Rustam Emomali

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Rustam Emomali

Rustam Emomalij ( Tajik Рустам Эмомалӣ ; Russian Рустам Эмомалиевич Рахмонов Rustam Emomalijewitsch Rakhmonov * 19th December 1987 in Danghara ) is the eldest son of the President of Tajikistan Emomalij Rahmon and current mayor of Dushanbe . He has the rank of major general and is one of the 10 most influential people in Tajikistan. He is being built up as a potential successor to his father as president.

Past life and football career

Rustam Emomalij graduated from the Tajik National University in 2008 with a degree in World Economics . Between 2011 and 2014 he continued his studies at the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation , then at the Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan with a focus on law.

In 2007 Rustam Emomalij founded a soccer team called " FC Istiklol ". He was the team captain and played in the forward position . Since 2011, the team has won 5 championships, which was mainly due to the intentional partiality of the referees . In 2011, Rustam Emomalij was appointed deputy president of the Tajik Football Association (TFV) and at the same time joined the International Relations Committee of the Asian Olympic Council . In January 2012 he was promoted to President of the TFV. In the same year he was elected to the FIFA Development Committee for two years .

Political rise

Rustam Emomalij's steep political career began in 2009 at the latest with his appointment as head of the youth organization, the Tajik successor to the Soviet Komsomol organization. In 2010 he became a member of the Central Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan and the city parliament of Dushanbe. In February 2011, Rustam Emomalij got a new position as head of the anti-corruption department of the Tajik Customs Service. In November 2013 he was promoted to chairman of the customs service authority. In March 2015, Emomalij Rahmon made his son head of the national anti-corruption agency. His appointment as mayor of Dushanbe in January 2017 was seen by many observers as the next important step in preparing for Emomalij Rahmon's successor. On March 27, 2020, Rustam Emomalij was unanimously elected senator by the district assembly in Bishkek and thus has a seat in the upper house of the Tajik parliament.


Rustam Emomalij is known for his antics and pronounced predilection for luxury cars. He is married and has two children. His sister Ozoda Emomalij is Tajikistan's first deputy foreign minister.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tajikistan's 20 Most Influential People . In: Tajikistan Monitor . December 29, 2011 ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  2. Биография> Председатель> Официальный сайт Местного исполнительного органа госудана госудатель государственнор. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  3. ^ Tajikistan: Football Furor Opens Window on Political Discontent . ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  4. James Kilner: Son of Tajikistan's president to head Tajik football federation . 2012, ISSN  0307-1235 ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  5. Emomali Named Head Of Football Federation. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  6. ^ Tajik President's Son Given FIFA Role. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  7. ^ Tajik President's Son Appointed To Football Federation. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  8. Рустам, Хасан, Амонулло, Зайд и другие. Столичный маджлис по своей представительности обходит МН РТ? - Avesta - информационное агентство . In: Avesta - информационное агентство . April 14, 2010 ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  9. ^ Tajik President's Son Gets Customs Job. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  10. Рустами Эмомали возглавил Таможенную службу | Новости Таджикистана ASIA-Plus . ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  11. ^ Tajik President Appoints Son To Head Anticorruption Agency. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  12. ^ Tajikistan: The eldest son of the president becomes mayor of Dushanbe . In: Novastan German . January 18, 2017 ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  13. Robin Roth: The son of the Tajik president becomes a senator. In: Novastan German. April 3, 2020, accessed on April 12, 2020 (German).
  14. ^ Tajikistan: The eldest son of the president becomes mayor of Dushanbe »News of the week. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  15. Рустам Эмомали Рахмон. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .
  16. News. Retrieved July 4, 2018 .