Ruth Düring

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Ruth Düring (* 1958 in Meschede ) is a German lawyer.


Düring, who completed studies and legal clerkship in Berlin and Bonn, was a research assistant at the Institute for Social Law at Ruhr University Bochum from 1987 to 1990 . Düring received his doctorate with a dissertation on "Arbitration in statutory health insurance". Düring, who has been part of the judicial service in North Rhine-Westphalia since November 1990, was appointed judge at the Regional Social Court in 1997. After working as a research assistant at the Federal Constitutional Court from September 2002 to the end of 2004 , she was seconded to the Federal Ministry of Health for one year . On June 21, 2007, after handing over the certificate of appointment by State Secretary Kajo Wasserhövel , she became judge at the Federal Social Court with effect from July 1, 2007 . There she was assigned to the 14th Senate responsible for basic security for job seekers .

Since 1999, Düring has been deputy chairman of the Transplant Medicine Commission of the North Rhine Medical Association. In 2002 she became a member of the service court for judges at the Hamm Higher Regional Court . In addition, Düring is one of the authors of the Commentary on the Social Court Act (SGG) and was responsible for a manual for contract doctor law.


  • New judges at the Federal Social Court , juris from June 29, 2007